Monkey pox discussion

Even if you presume the stereotypes that you mention are a small minority, your hopes will be dashed. I believe this disease will move into the mainstream population much quicker than AIDS. However, it won’t be via the blood supply. This disease, at least from pre-pc coverage, seems to spread pretty easily. There are lots of the stereotype minority that work in the hospitality industry. Presuming there are no lockdowns, or increased self control in the stereotype population, I expect January of next year to be the breakout month for media to redouble their efforts, with actual data, of proclaiming MonkeyPox being in the general population.

I’m not so sure about that. The last discussion I saw, including doctors talking about taking samples for testing, suggested you had to really work hard to get the test swabs into the poxes to get a good sample.

Likewise, I think “skin contact” sounds like it was significantly overstating the risk. Mucus membrane contact like kissing, sex, etc - yes, those are real risks if there are lesions in those areas or are in contact with skin that has poxes on it. However, just for skin to skin contact, I think it would need to be very rough such that there was a tear or abrasion that opened the skin of the potential victim so the virus could get inside.

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going to stop shaking hands. Fist bumps or Namaste for me from here on

Following up on my prior comments,

an expanding cadre of experts has come to believe that sex between men itself — both anal as well as oral intercourse — is likely the main driver of global monkeypox transmission. The skin contact that comes with sex, these experts say, is probably much less of a risk factor.

In recent weeks, a growing body of scientific evidence — including a trio of studies published in peer-reviewed journals, as well as reports from national, regional and global health authorities — has suggested that experts may have framed monkeypox’s typical transmission route precisely backward.


this PC BS is the left version of denying science/reality. Call it a STD like it is…

Curious why the few kids have got it, unless it’s abuse…

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Isn’t it obvious? One can get it through nonsexual skin to skin contact, just like herpes or the chicken pox. And the dog likely got it from licking the owner and then transferred it to its own anus.

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So the new politically correct term is Mpox. It will be fascinating to see how quickly the left pivots and how completely it penetrates our culture.

Support for your contention …

The experiment investigated a home in Utah where two monkeypox patients lived alongside other uninfected people.

Investigators swabbed 30 household items from nine different areas of the house, while both patients were still symptomatic and therefore actively spreading their infection.

Although 20 of the items tested positive for monkeypox …

But despite evidence of the monkeypox on these household objects, not a single sample was positive for virus culture - meaning the disease wasn’t “live” and couldn’t infect other people.

That is a big deal. It leads me to believe it is unlikely to naturally spread greatly beyond the non-minority community.


Why is this politically correct, and what what was so incorrect with Monkeypox? Don’t tell me there is a gibbon/chimpanzee/ape union. :smile:

Yes, I hope that is the method. Shouldn’t it also be obvious that no one should rub a body part with blisters, pustules, unknown sores against someone else?

OTOH, if it is truly transmissible through skin contact with no visible sign of infection, I’ll follow @jesselivermore 's lead and bump elbows. I don’t think that’s a common sexual body part yet. :smile:

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Vaccines not 100% protective, how effective is unclear

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I think the issue is it starts slow and people mistake the initial lesion for an ingrown hair, like a small red bump. So they spread it without knowing it’s MP. I doubt anyone is in the mood for sex when they’re actually covered in big painful lesions.

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When you say initial lesion, I presume that any broken skin would be included, and that lt is infectious.

Anyone have a way to remember to elbow bump instead of shaking hands? I didn’t pay that much attention during Covid, but this seems a lot worse.

not sure, some people might be into elbow cleavage…

BTW Cases are going down in the US.

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You can stop going on about bedding and just stay away from the bathhouse. This Salt Lake study came in most of the way through 2 infected roommates isolation and sampled all the common surfaces and objects.

Among the 30 specimens, 21 (70%) yielded positive real-time PCR results, including those from all three porous items (i.e., cloth furniture and blankets), 17 of 25 (68%) nonporous surfaces (e.g., handles and switches), and one of two mixed surface types (i.e., chair) (Table). No specimen yielded a positive viral culture result.

So most had fragments of pox DNA, but none were able to transmit the live virus at least at the time sampled.

Monkeypox virus DNA was detected from many objects and surfaces sampled indicating that some level of contamination occurred in the household environment. However, the inability to detect viable virus suggests that virus viability might have decayed over time or through chemical or environmental inactivation. Although both patients were symptomatic and isolated in their home for >3 weeks, their cleaning and disinfection practices during this period might have limited the level of contamination within the household.

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got it bathhouse not ok, but jacuzzi/cold plunge ok?

Really!!! JHC! Thanks ever so much for your ever so helpful clarification. :rage: :nauseated_face: :grimacing: :rage:

So now, is roomate about as descriptive as partner? Thanks. That helps tons.

If they were a married man and woman, you can bet they would have talked that risk up in the media. They didn’t even say they were guys in the paper, but I’ll go with the 98%+ odds.


if you’ve got AIDS, probably a good time to stay away from the bathhouse.

The individual had a severely compromised immune system.

The virus is primarily spreading through sexual contact among gay and bisexual men, according to the CDC. About 94% of confirmed cases were associated with sex and nearly all of the patients are men who have sex with men, Demetre Daskalakis, the deputy head of the White House monkeypox response team, told reporters on Friday.


Black outperformance in the bathhouse scene will not be taken lightly by the Diversity Administration.

HHS Starts Monkeypox Equity Program for LGBTQ People of Color

Upcoming LGBTQ Events May Vaccinate More Than 7,000 People: HHS