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Cleaning house indeed. Things are looking up for VA.

Within hours of taking office, Virginia’s newly sworn-in Attorney General Jason Miyares (R) cleaned house – firing dozens of lawyers, including those in the Civil Rights division – and announcing investigations into the Virginia Parole Board and Loudon County Public Schools.

According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch , Miyares notified around 30 staff members they’re being let go – including 17 attorneys and 13 staff members. The attorneys include the solicitor general, Herring’s deputies , and reportedly Helen Hardiman – an assistant AG who worked on housing discrimination .

Miyares, who will take over Democratic AG Mark Herring, campaigned on a promise to pursue legislation that would enable state AGs to circumvent “social justice” attorneys who refuse to vigorously prosecute crimes

George Soros-backed commonwealth’s attorneys are not doing their jobs, ” said Miyares in May 2021 comments to the Arlington County Republican Committee.

The anti-CRT bill is pretty good too - makes it a crime for education officials to keep stuffing their racist ideas into school, plus if the school does it repeatedly, the parents are all entitled to vouchers to leave and take their tax money elsewhere.



I’m a little worried about the northern virginia school districts that are saying they won’t comply with the governor’s new order outlawing mask mandates. It looks like they (blue school districts) have the law on their side. Unfortunately, when the law requiring school districts to go back to in person learning was passed they included a clause about allowing school districts to follow mitigation measures recommended by the CDC, which includes masking every student over 2 years old. Thankfully that law expires in August, so they can only fall back on it until then.

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The Virginia governor lifting the mask mandate via executive order is turning into a s*** show. Now it’s not just the super blue jurisdictions saying they won’t follow it regardless of taking a vote, but some purple jurisdictions debating it at school board meetings and voting to keep masks. I think it’s mostly bad timing with cases hitting hard in Virginia right now and school board officials being afraid to piss people off. But I don’t think they realize that parents have long memories. Not sure when the school board is up for re-election in my county, but I could easily see 2 of the weaker republicans that voted to keep masks last night losing to more conservative challengers in a year or so. At that point everyone’s kid will have had covid and almost none of them will have experienced much more than a cold. Being known as the person that stood between your kid resuming their normal education just to keep them from getting the sniffles isn’t a a great re-election platform. Very foolish long term strategy considering all we know about the virus, kids, and masking right now.


Cuomo - all criminal charges dropped.

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But I thought Democrats always “believed the women”. :rofl:

They are such unmitigated phonies and hypocrites.


Of course they do. Just ask … Bill Clinton sexual assault and misconduct allegations - Wikipedia


This recall will be interesting although, since it is Frisco, it is a contest between the left and the far left.

Edit. they are only recalling three members because the others had not served enough time to be recalled by California law

good comment on the Fox website

since every voter gets a mail-in ballot, turnout is expected to be fairly low for this special election, not more than 120% of total eligible voters, nowhere near a Presidential election "


The preliminary results are that the recalls are passing by about 75%

Not sure how long before the registrar of voters give official results but in other elections they give themselves 30 days to manufacture the results the Democrats want

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From what I’m hearing on the news, those three very far out leftists are gone, voted out by (apparently) somewhat less left wing San Franciscans.

Course in the overwhelming number of American venues, those three would never have stood any chance whatsoever of being elected to office in the first place . . . . any office. All three are certifiably nuts out of their minds.


Yeah, they’re out. And surprised that the ppl didn’t want the “racial equity” anymore that they had run on and tried to deliver in terms of renaming schools like Washington or Lincoln instead of doing something that mattered.

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Yup. What the heck:

They probably detest Washington and Lincoln almost as much as they hate Trump.


Well, it turns out the people that I voted for in Virginia are doing exactly what I wanted them to do - legislate. Up until this year, both the state house of delegates, the state senate, and the governorship were controlled by democrats. Thanks to their botched handling of educating our children, the republicans took over all three in the November 2021 election and are now in office. Throughout the pandemic, most restrictions began at the executive level and since the legislature was of the same party, they never challenged any of the governor’s over onerous emergency pronouncements. As the “emergency” dragged on, I was one of the folks shouting from the rooftops that his restrictions were unconstitutional and if they weren’t passed into law, they should be ignored. No one bothered to listen to me - until a republican became governor and he tried to, with the same executive power as the outgoing democrat, end those restrictions. Then all of a sudden we need a law. Well, democrats, you asked for a law, so now you’re getting one. The Virginia senate has passed the law requiring schools to makes masks optional and the house of delegates will pass it today and the governor will immediately sign it. It will go into effect March 1.

What is the democrats response to losing on this issue at the executive level and now the legislative level? Of course, they will take it to the judicial level to try and find a democrat judge to block it. And this is while FULL BLUE states lift their mask mandates. I honestly don’t understand these people. If they cared, they would see they lost this state because of what they are doing to kids, yet they are still fighting to keep doing the same thing that voters here have summarily rejected. I don’t get it.


there’s an interesting backstory to the vote. It turns out there is a renegade Democrat named Chap Petersen who was going to vote for the mask optional bill. This would produce a 20-20 tie that would be broken for the Republicans by lieutenant governor Sears. Some Democrats seeing they were going to lose decided to change their vote that was previously against the popular measure.


Thanks for that clarification - I got that wrong - the republicans actually don’t control the state senate in Virginia. As evidenced by what is happening in full blue states, some of the (politically) smarter democrats in virginia have realized forced masking of kids in public schools has just become too unpopular for them to continue supporting. It was actually more than just Petersen - three democrat senators crossed the aisle to vote to make masks optional and make it happen right away (March 1). One republican voted with his party to make them optional, but crossed the aisle and voted against putting the law into effect right away. As much as the democrats are trying to stick together to keep Youngkin from getting this win, they see how this could affect their future election prospects and don’t see it as a hill worth dying on anymore.


On the SF school board recall, among other good topics, check out the latest Common Sense -

Asian parents are done with the nonsense : Three wokest members of San Francisco’s board of education have been recalled this week in a landslide. The board spent the last two years advocating for the most hard-left talking points you can imagine—a sort of fever dream of Ibram Kendi and Nikole Hannah-Jones articles in school board form. These arguments work great for bullying and smearing moderates on Twitter, but turn out to be incredibly unpopular in real life, even among the ur-liberals of San Francisco. This is the first recall effort in the city in 40 years.

The school board’s greatest hits were: trying to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars covering up a historic mural they deemed offensive; deciding they needed to remove the names of right-wing goons like Abraham Lincoln and Senator Diane Feinstein from the city’s schools; declining to allow a gay father on the parent committee for the reason that he was white; demanding that any discussion of “learning loss” during lockdown be reframed as “learning change”; disbanding the city’s beloved elite public school; and of course fighting against schools being open at all.

The mainstream press smeared the recall campaign as a right-wing movement funded by billionaires who tricked everyone. The city’s Board of Supervisors president said it was driven by “closet Republicans and most certainly folks with conservative values in San Francisco, even if they weren’t registered Republicans.” One recalled school board member wrote: “White supremacists are enjoying this.”

There are so many secret right-wingers in San Francisco, it seems, because about a third of registered voters cast a ballot, a huge turnout. The recall saw support from across the city. Every neighborhood, rich and poor cast votes. It was a massive landslide.

And it was especially galvanizing for Asian parents. Why would that be? Two reasons: Board member Allison Collins had written that Asian parents have a slave mentality, are “house n***ers,” and embody white supremacy, which I guess Asian parents didn’t like. Collins and her former co-board members also eliminated the city’s top elite high school entrance exam, effectively gutting the only public path for high achievers in the city’s school system. And so the landslide was especially stark in more heavily Asian neighborhoods: 84% of Chinatown voters were for recalling Collins, 84% of Richmond voters were for it, and 87% of Sunset district voters were too.


Good for the Asians!!

But most striking in that, and anti-American, is the attitude of the filthy San Francisco press corps, engaging in the same sort of left wing propaganda, indoctrination, and intimidation tactics we witness from their kind all across the country.

American media needs to be brought to heel pronto!! And they certainly should not be admired or believed. Straight up, they are far left scum.


Update on my personal situation with my private pre-school that was too afraid to drop mandatory masking because of the state dept of ed, the state dept of health, and the CDC’s unscientific guidelines on kids 2 and over needing to wear masks:

I just received this email from the school:

I wanted to communicate with you the latest guidance from the VDH, received this week. We have received guidance regarding the standard of face masks and the recommendation for children wearing masks in the classroom.

With the guidance from our representative at the county Department of Health recommending we now take a measured approach for children and teachers wearing masks inside the classroom. This mitigation would include understanding that if surges do go up, we will require children and teachers to wear masks throughout the days or weeks ahead to get over the high transmission.

This decision and recommendation was determined together with the VDH, recognizing that young children are not wearing masks properly to effectively stop the spread of the virus, in addition early childhood educators do recognize that young children learn with the observation of seeing facial expressions on teachers and fellow students. As of Friday February 18th, we will allow families to decide if their young children will wear face coverings.

As always, we will continue to follow all recommended guidelines presented by the VDH and communicate them to you.

Please join me in continued prayers for our preschool children and teachers.

Wonderful news. I have no idea when the CDC is going to come around, but at least someone at the state dept of ed and state dept of health realized how much their credibility would suffer if they continued recommending the forced masking of 2-5 year olds in private pre-schools while it was optional for 4-5 years olds in public pre-k and kindergarten schools.


Ha, the outgoing progressives blame white supremacy for their recall.

Why are so many democratic strongholds like San Fran so full of white Supremacists? So insidious, so systemic and yet, so invisible.


// Juvenile hat on

They have GOT to change their name or outlaw their acronym. :blush:

Nursing home recap