The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 2)

Trump was part of an unlawful plan to suppress negative information

Are they ef’ing serious?

Bragg highlighted one law that Trump allegedly broke during the conference: “New York state election law – what makes it a crime to conspire to promote a candidacy by unlawful means.”

That was the entire strategy to get Biden elected in 2020…

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Legal commentary

We now have the indictment, and it is basically what many of us anticipated. It is a series of stacked counts of falsifying business records for the purpose of influencing the election. The indictment seems to address the lack of legal precedent with a lack of specificity on the underlying “secondary” felony. Bragg has done nothing more than replicated the same flawed theory dozens of times.

In a single indictment, Alvin Bragg bulldozed any high ground that the Democrats had after January 6th. He has fulfilled the narrative of the Trump campaign by supplying a raw and undeniable example of the politicization of the legal system. What is most shocking is that this attack on the rule of law was met with the rapturous applause of many, including lawyers and legal pundits. They not only will ignore the affront to the integrity of our legal system, but celebrate its demise.


American values, now and then. “The love of money…” ends badly?

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Walmart closing Chicago stores. Oddly, the “urban struggles” seem localized in urban areas that decriminalized shoplifting rather than nationwide…



Cleaning up loose ends. Another prominent Epstein associate “kills himself” in prison.

Sure it’s a lot more dangerous for the providers than the clients.

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Another case of arkancide

„A trail of Death“

The following is a list of a number of persons who have died in suspicious circumstances who had connection to the Clintons or the Clinton’s dealings. The length and breadth of this list is disconcerting. It is beyond credibility that very many of these cases are coincidences. Forward any errors or inconsistancies as the list has been compiled from multiple sources:

How can we get in on this kind of real estate deal??

I guess there is an illegal immigration crisis after all, once a Democrat says so. Here’s the mayor of NYC bitching about Bidens polices.

Hunter extends wrist to DOJ, requests small slap for his numerous crimes.

prosecutors are still weighing whether to bring two misdemeanor charges for failure to file taxes, one count of felony tax evasion related to the overreporting of expenses, and a false statement charge regarding a gun purchase.

Guess taking Chinese and Russian millions without being a registered foreign lobbyist is only a 7 year jail sentence if you’re a not a Biden.


Media coverage and race-baiting on crime.

To name a suspect’s race when that suspect is black is virtually taboo, no matter the race of his victim. Let a white person assault or kill a black person, however, and the entire story will be about race. This double standard and the fiction that blacks are under daily risk of their lives from whites do no one any good, least of all the victims of black crime.

Millions of blacks are walking around believing that whites hate and fear them so much that blacks are at daily risk of their lives from that hatred. This belief is the rankest fiction. Yet it is embraced and amplified by almost every mainstream American institution. We exist mentally in a counterfactual, alternative reality when it comes to race and crime. That alternative reality further poisons race relations, incentivizing more anti-white violence. It creates fertile support for the dismantling of law enforcement and of the meritocratic standards that are said to prop up white supremacy. It is time to unflinchingly pierce that fiction with the truth.


I might add that many white people know this is happening but have learned to keep quiet to avoid being cancelled. Their voice will be heard in the ballot box.

10% for the Big Guy getting some scrutiny

Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member and long-time whistleblower advocate Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) today are demanding the FBI produce an unclassified record alleging a criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national. The document, an FBI-generated FD-1023 form, allegedly details an arrangement involving an exchange of money for policy decisions.

“We believe the FBI possesses an unclassified internal document that includes very serious and detailed allegations implicating the current President of the United States… The FBI’s recent history of botching politically charged investigations demands close congressional oversight,” Grassley said.


Joe Biden Comes Out Swinging on Debt Ceiling Negotiations (

If Biden wants the ceiling raised, maybe he should start taking seriously those who want some reforms that will help prevent (ie, delay) this showdown from repeating itself yet again in a few more months.

I’ve yet to hear Biden’s proposal of scraping the debt ceiling altogether, which is the only rational goal of demanding that we continuously and mindlessly raise the ceiling as-needed. If that’s what you want, quit dancing around it and just say so. Problem is, doing so re-frames the issue in a way many of his own supporters would have a tough time swallowing.

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Urban decay, the Chicago continuing edition. Now under new management!

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“There is no way to protect our financial system in our economy, other than Congress doing its job and raising the debt ceiling and enabling us to pay our bills

Yellen must’ve missed the pesky detail where the debt ceiling is just a tool to force Congress to do their job. If their job was to perpetually raise the debt ceiling, the debt ceiling simply wouldn’t exist. It exists to force Congress to control spending; the recently passed House bill is in fact Congress doing their job, demanding a “clean” bill that merely raises the debt limit is nothing but Congress trying to avoid doing their job.

But who cares about the “why”. Just keep pounding your fists and yelling loudly.

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The Republicans have played this very badly in the past. I hope they do better this year but experience indicates otherwise. In the meantime, I am placing an order on some four week T-bills in the auction on Thursday of this week.


Not Biden, but hre we go…

It makes sense comng from government employees, but the Treasury having to pick and choose which bills to pay (because of hitting the debt ceiling) only means Congress failed to do their job, and budgeted to spend more than they knew was available to spend.

All these arguments against and criticisms of the debt ceiling only magnify why there needs to be a debt ceiling…

The founders gave the power of the purse to the House of Representatives to make them the most powerful branch of the government. This had been used by the British in the past to bring the Kings into line.

IANAL so I do not know if the executive branch can pick and choose which budget items to spend. This seems like a fundamental issue that must have been resolved by the Supreme Court sometime in the past. If the regime can pick and choose, then the House’s power is much diminished.

The current debt limit increase bill originated in the House, so it might be considered part of their spending power.

The four week T-bill announcement is tomorrow so you can sign up to buy one at auction then.

It’s mostly just the fact that when there is $X left under the debt ceiling, and $X+Y authorized spending, something that was authorized by Congress is going to go unpaid. They want to blame the debt ceiling law for illegally blocking that spending, when the real problem is that Congress authorized spending when they knew there would be no money to pay for it. But that’d require blaming Congress for not cutting spending, and we most certainly cannot frame it that way…