The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 2)

Co-taught by professors in Comparative Literature and Astronomy, this course will introduce students to the fundamentals of astronomy concepts through readings in Black Studies.

LOL. I learned in undergrad school only to sign up for courses that required physics or calculus as a prerequisite.

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On the topic of science, here was an account of a CDC a researcher whose work showing being “overweight” (but not obese) was not associated with higher mortality. She was subsequently attacked for years over this as a political topic, rather than on the scientific front, showing how political issues can cloud much of the public discussion of scientific topics.

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Biden scores double political victory

Or at least so it appears to me. Today he is out there touting his infrastructure victory because it has the bipartisan support he so eagerly sought. The price tag is a paltry $950 billion plus or minus . . . . which is how he garnered such support.

The above bamboozling of the Republicans now opens the door for the coups de gras. Biden and his big spending Democrat buddies know they get one more bite at the reconciliation apple. It’ll be a separate bill unrelated to infrastructure. Bernie wants to spend six trillion, Biden himself is down closer to four trillion. How low they will have to go to satisfy both Manchin and Sinema I dunno. But it will be trillions more of Democrat spending by our already bankrupt country.

Whatever the final number might be, there won’t be a darn thing Republicans can do to stop the insane spending.

I love (I’m being sarcastic) how your posts are so often opinions about the opinions of people you don’t like. And then you don’t even bother to add your opinion. It’s a lot easier to have a discussion with you if you post the Tucker clip and then give your actual opinion. Or even better yet, post the clip of the general and give your opinion on what he said.

He starts out talking about West Point students being widely read, but then in the same context, he says he wants to understand “white rage.” I’m sorry, but in terms of educating soldiers and future soldiers, you are going to have to get more specific when talking about a race-based affliction. I was always taught that is the sort of thing that is straight up RACIST. But even worse, he immediately goes on to say he wants to understand what caused January 6, like “white rage” was the driving force. I’m old enough to remember the past year of violent and destructive protests and I would rightfully be laughed out of any legitimate function if I were to try and boil it down to something so ridiculous as “black rage” or “white rage.”

Then he goes on to say he’s personally offended that “we are accusing our general officers and commissioned officers of being “woke.”” We’re not, General. We’re accusing YOU and your underlings in the Pentagon of being woke and trying to SPREAD it to our soldiers.

He started his whole speech saying jokingly that he needed get much smarter on what critical race theory is, but then he ended his speech by describing it in the way many in the leftist and corporate media describe it - wrongly and without any criticism of its motives.

By the way, read any corporate media account of this and you will get the impression that Milley was responding to Rep. Matt Gaetz - one of the most hated members of the Republican party. What you won’t see is the clip of Rep. Mike Waltz, a decorated green beret presented EVIDENCE that CRT is being taught at West Point in an extremely divisive manner. Gen. Milley is actually responding more to Waltz than Gaetz. But the left isn’t as comfortable attacking Waltz, so they don’t even mention him. Here is that clip that you won’t see anywhere else:


I actually watched Tucker Carlson that night. Great show! He didn’t miss the mark, Gen Milley was following the liberal playbook. How did he get the job??

And yes he was right calling the Gen “stupid”. His defense of teaching CRT in the military. Very unimpressive man.

40 years in the military! Disgusting behavior. imo

That guy Milley is a bad dude and would not be where he is if Trump were President. Secretary Austin is OK.

I wouldn’t defend what those truck drivers did as something good. I think objectively and subjectively it was a bad move that didn’t actually accomplish anything positive for Trump. And I would say so to their face.


The claims made by these people suing are ridiculous. Why can a bus drive down the road with Biden-Harris plastered on the side with giant letters be okay, but pickup trucks with Trump flags be intimidation? I remember seeing the video and seeing one of the bus’s followers driving just as aggressively as the Trump drivers, trying to merge into a lane to stay close to the bus without having the right of way. The bus has just as much a right to drive down the road visually supporting Biden as the trucks do driving down the road visually supporting Trump. If they didn’t violate any traffic laws (only 2 cars did, 1 from each camp, so that would wash out, no?), I don’t see how what they did could be considered political violence or voter intimidation.


And this sums it up - it had to do with Trump, so it must’ve been bad. And it was bad because of Trump.

BLM supporters were setting fire to cars all last summer, and we were instructed on how it was racist to punish anyone for it.

You really should look at the crap you excuse.


The video of that collision showed both drivers acting like asses, but the Trump driver had the right of way.

Following too closely is a traffic violation. It’s punishable by a fine. If someone has a insert politician name here bumper sticker and they are tailgated by someone with a insert competing politician name here bumper sticker, that doesn’t mean that their vote was intimidated.

I agree with you, but that doesn’t make it voter intimidation or political violence when there was no violence.

And then what happened? The guys in the Trump vehicles pulled everyone out of the bus and held them at gunpoint until they promised to stop supporting Biden and vote for Trump? Or… nothing of the sort? Nothing else happened and the bus continued on its way? What eventually happened that warrants this lawsuit?

Being reminded that you are in a pro-Trump area by people advertising their candidate with their cars while you are in a BUS advertising your candidate does not equal political violence and intimidation. It may be mean. It may be in poor taste. It may be petty tit-for-tat. It may even be a violation of a traffic law or two. But it is not violence or voter intimidation.


Washington Post can’t stop lying in support of Critical Race Theory. Corrections issued in their latest smear of the guy exposing CRT in the public sphere.

I went through Meckler and Dawsey’s piece line-by-line, publishing a point-by-point rebuttal on social media and sending it to the Post ’s editors. Within 48 hours, the entire story collapsed. The paper admitted to fabricating the timeline of events, retracted or added six full paragraphs to the story, reversed its assertion that the Cupertino diversity lesson never happened, and made the absurd argument that the Treasury Department, which had told employees that “virtually all White people . . . contribute to racism,” did not mean that “all white people are racist.”

They just know all white people are racist and hate to have someone telling the majority that disagrees that’s just fine and the racial injustice advocates are the crazy ones.


You should understand by now that merely expressing a desire to vote for Trump is an obvious attempt to intimidate those who dont like Trump. Trump was clearly going to lose 'cause he’s sooo terrible, so the fact he almost didnt is inherent proof he was illegally surpressing opposing votes.

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The apartment building collapse in Florida is wrenching. Sympathy for those who perished, and for their families left behind, is shared by decent people all across this country. I hope more people can somehow be found alive, though at this point things are not looking up.

But this is a political thread, and I’m starting already to sense the politics which is waiting to emerge from this tragedy. A small amount has already oozed out with, as you would anticipate, the willing and eager cooperation of the American mainstream media. So who is the target?

There can be only one answer: Florida’s conservative Governor Ron DeSantis.

DeSantis is being uncooperative. DeSantis is not doing enough. DeSantis is in league with building owners seeking to save money by delaying essential repairs. In short: DeSantis is personally responsible for all this needless death, must be removed from office, and does not qualify to seek the Presidency . . . even though he is currently a leading contender for the Republican nomination.

Such an unquestionable tragedy. Such a juicy target for Democrats. I bet the charges start to fly in earnest even before the debris pile is gone.


You know it!

Trump has been the radical leftist first main opposition. They are afraid President Trump will run again in the next election.
When I heard Kamala at the “so called” border, say this border problem is the previous leaders fault.

So now the democrats are going to go after DeSantis. Another likely presidential candidate.

Worry, Worry! Democrats will not win anything next “go around”.

Next time? :wink:

More from the Racist in Chief.

In an executive order issued Friday, Biden directed all federal agencies to school their employees on “systemic and institutional racism” and “implicit and unconscious bias” — buzzwords associated with critical race theory, whose proponents see racism as the foundation of American society.

Biden’s order came just three days after Vice President Kamala Harris broke a party-line Senate deadlock to confirm Kiran Ahuja, who has ties to critical race theory, as director of the federal Office of Personnel Management, overcoming Republican efforts to sink the nomination. Ahuja’s connection to the subject comes via her nonprofit organization Philanthropy Northwest, which hosted CRT activist Ibram X. Kendi at an event

White or Orange Man Bad.

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That huffpo article claims “veteran groups” are calling for a boycott. It not only refuses to mention that the groups are leftist, but it flat out lies and says the leftist group Veterans for Responsible Leadership is non-partisan.

“We agreed on a plan! But only if I get everything else I wanted too. Oh, wait, no, I dont mean that!”

Except that’s become the standard Democrat playbook - hold what everyone wants hostage, as leverage to get what only some want. And if the others dont cave to your demands, you promote how they’re the ones rejecting the stuff that everyone wanted.


Dear old reliable Joe… I gave my word….

Next to come, Schumer & Pelosi…Let me make it clear, these two efforts are tied together.

What is Joe to do?
I didn’t mean that first statement! We must have both articles tied together, I believe it can happen.

24 hours of damage control.

You can trust me! The bipartisan deal will pass and go forward alone.

This lovable old guy is demented…

Me thinks that the members of such groups were already boycotting the program.