The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 2)

Biden’s judicial appointments continue his pro-immigration, pro-criminal policies. Also, skin color and gender play a more important role than competence, as in his choice of cabinet members.

Biden is pressing ahead with an aggressive quantity of nominees and putting an emphasis on diversifying a federal bench that has historically been lacking women, people of color and lawyers with a background in public interest.

At least 12 of the president’s picks have worked as public defenders, and others have backgrounds in civil rights, labor and immigration law.

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Republican collapse paving way for massive Democrat victory

Stick a fork. The Republicans are very nearly DONE! Close to twenty of them are prepared to give Biden his long sought for bipartisan victory on the hard infrastructure bill. This will be a major coups for Biden.

The Democrats will then turn around and pass another $3.5T spending bill through reconciliation, with no Republican support at all. But they do not care one whit. Would you care about such a detail while grasping total political victory over the stupid and hapless Republicans?

Republicans are fools. The entire party should be disbanded and replaced with a Conservative Party. At that point many of today’s Republicans would move over and become Democrats. And that is exactly where they belong today!


Sounds like yours might be lacking. There is no documented case of a human born with both ovaries and testicles, EVER. There are very rare cases of malformed and/or malfunctioning ovaries or testicles, but never both.

The very rare cases in which doctors are mistaken at birth because of birth defects and physical abnormalities can be fixed. The vast majority of people petitioning to change the sex listed on their birth certificate these days are NOT examples of the cases you describe above. A policy that is generally applicable and causes no issue for more than 99.5% of the population shouldn’t be completely scrapped because it sometimes causes difficulties for 0.5%. There should be mechanisms to fix errors for those super rare cases. That’s what we had before states made it easier to change (not fix) sex on an ID and birth certificate. It worked. There was no need for those changes and there is definitely no need to get rid of it altogether.

But it does matter. Males and females are (rightfully) treated differently in certain situations.


Are genitals not considered organs? Or is my bio education lacking? I thought these cases exist.

Such as? Specifically, when would seeing someone’s sex on the birth certificate lead you (or anyone) to treat the person differently?

I understand that cops, for example, may perceive males to be more aggressive than females, because it’s probably true, but you don’t need a birth certificate for that.

Fine, I looked it up. It was in this Hidden Brain episode I believe, not Freakonomics. I think the article at the link is just a summary, so you may have to listen or find the transcript. But there are decent references right there.

Also this.

All your link does is point out meed18’s error - that such difficulties affect .05% of the population, not .5%. And yes, your bio education is lacking if you think genitals consist of ovaries and testicles.

Besides, the whole “transgender” thing is about what a person feels they should be, not what they are biologically. That’s the reason for so much objection, since whole concept of gender is based on biology, not psychology.

Medical exams. Or are you offended you have never been given a pregnancy test?


Because genitals don’t determine sex. Gametes do. So yes, your bio education is lacking.

But that’s most likely because transgender activists have spent every waking moment since Obergefell getting as much of the media, academia, hollywood, and the left on board with their fake biology arguments as possible. I don’t blame anyone that thinks chromosomes or genitals are what determines sex. That’s what the activists want people to think because they can manipulate those claims in their favor. What they can’t manipulate in their favor is the fact that in all mammal and pretty much all species, gametes are 100% binary and determine sex. And that externally observable sex organs match gametes in 99.9% of cases.

But all of that is just a distraction by trans activists anyway because 99% of trans people today do not have ambiguous genitalia or chromosomes. Almost none of them meet the definition of intersex. The biological argument is mostly irrelevant even if it were on their side (which it is not).

When I was in law enforcement and I dealt with transvestite hookers (people that would probably be considered transgender today), it was important to know their actual sex - which I got from their license - which comes from their birth certificate. Off the top of my head, I needed to know sex. 1. When I arrested them, males prostitutes needed to be housed with males and vice versa. 2. When I needed to search them, I needed to know what I should expect to find inside their pants or if I needed the assistance of a female officer. 3. It was helpful to know if I was dealing with someone who might not have all of their mental faculties.

For the vast majority of people, the sex listed on their license was superfluous. But it was also 100% factual and unoffensive. So there is really no reason to remove something that causes no harm in almost all cases, and is useful in the remainder. The only reason I am becoming more indifferent on the issue is because those of us that do understand biology and want to follow it have already lost the policy argument. According to that article:

48 states (Tennessee and Ohio are the exceptions) and the District of Columbia allow people to amend their sex designation on their birth certificate to reflect their gender identities.


10 states allow for a gender-neutral designation, usually “X,” on birth certificates

If we’re at a point now where only 2 states recognize that a human can’t change their sex because they feel like it, it’s already over. If we’re at a point where parents can choose to ignore the sex of their children when getting a birth certificate in 10 states, biological reality is already meaningless. I’m not sure how many states are putting males in female prisons, but I know it’s happening in California. We’re going to have females forced to sign up for selective service soon as well. We just had a dude compete against women in weightlifting at the olympics. At some point. It might be better to have IDs without sex since people can choose whatever goes on there regardless of biology anyway. I can’t be convicted of “misgendering” anyone if there is no official document listing their gender, right?


Maybe the next step will be to practically end affirmative action by having everyone identity as a trans black woman for all the virtue and diversity hiring / admission points. If sex is all in your mind, clearly race can’t be far behind.


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I do equate transgender rights to segregation 70 years ago. Imagine if, back then, the occasional black person decided to declare themselves to be white, and thus entitled to use the whites only drinking fountain. And then this was encoded as law that segregation stays but you can chose your race, rather than the elimination of segregation? Can you image the mess that would’ve turned into? Actually there’d be no mess, because the entire notion would’ve been laughed into oblivion, by all sides and perspectives, as being ridiculous and plain stupid.

When nursing was a female occupation, males who wanted to be nurses…just became nurses. They didn’t become female so that they’d better fit the gender norms of their chosen profession. That’s how to change societal biases.


I never wrote such a thing. Perhaps you misunderstood what I wrote or what I responded to.

You are not answering my question. My medical providers have never asked me for my birth certificate.

Sure, but the doctor only performs the visual exam, so a non-0% of people have biology that doesn’t match what’s written on the certificate.

Sure, this makes sense, but this information did not come from the birth certificate, it came from the ID / license.

Right. Per your link, that “non-0%” is .05% ,(with the condition, the number who are identified incorrectly is even less). And they arent even the subject of the rabble-rousing, no one would oppose fixing errors.

I’m, that’s exactly what you wrote. Of course, when you wrote it you truncated the quote you were responding to.

Good grief. They treat you based on the gender on your birth certificate. Unless there was an error - a biological error, not a psychological error. Biological errors should be fixed. Perceived psychological “errors” that contradict biology should not. Because you are treated by doctors according to your biological gender, not what claim to be when you make your appointment.


Good grief. Mine treat me as a male because I clearly look and sound male and I don’t challenge it, but if they could not see or hear me, they’d have no choice but to treat me (not physically, but order or approve labs or other services, etc) using what’s written in my profile, which I can update myself at any time online. My health care providers have never seen or even asked for my birth certificate. And this argument is only about the birth certificate.

Packing the courts, the district courts. Two widely different views on expanding the judiciary. One bill, with bipartisan support, creates new judge positions which cannot be filled until 2025, avoiding any current political bias. The other, championed by the court packing progressives, would create nearly 3x as many positions to be packed immediately.

  • Bipartisan, bicameral bill would add 77 seats seems more likely to pass but delayed [green in chart]
  • House Democrats’ bill would add 203 seats, offers immediate relief but is partisan [purple in chart]

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There are already ways to “fix” a doctor’s “mistake” on a birth certificate. The EXTREMELY rare case of a mistake of incorrectly observing (note I didn’t say assigning) a baby’s sex at birth does not justify throwing away the sex designation on all birth certificates.

But once again, I reiterate, that is a distraction from the main claim. The AMA doesn’t want sex on birth certificates because it hurts trans people’s feelings. Not because of the red herring you keep harping on.

I just said that the sex on your license comes from your birth certificate in my above post. Where do you think it comes from? Your social security card?

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Incorrect. Your very first healthcare provider is the one that filled out your sex on your birth certificate and that designation has followed you in your medical chart ever since.


If a doctor cannot see or hear you, they’d have no choice but to not treat you at all…

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Today’s Cuomo resignation has to be making Biden uncomfortable. After all Uncle Joe is guilty of similar infractions which happened, as with Cuomo, during the time he held elected high public office. And those infractions also happened at a time when Biden was a fully fledged adult, not a high school or college student.

So Biden at this point has nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. And Harris would be only too happy to take over.

Looks like all the judge shopping did not pay off for long


“It is no surprise that Republican Governor Greg Abbott and House Speaker Dade Phelan want to arrest their political opponents.”

Yes, of course that is all this is about…

Ignore the pesky detail that it’s entirely about being lawfully compelled to perform their duties as elected representatives.

More and more, the Democrat attitude has been reduced to “Let me do whatever I want, or I’m going to throw a tantrum and do whatever I want anyways.”