The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 2)

Frankly I’m primarily worried about the USA . . . . but you’re most likely right.

Democrat socialist/Marxists understand if they can push this through now, that will be final. The damage they desperately want to inflict on traditional America will be irrevocable, even after Republicans win a little more than a year hence. Biden, or Kamala, will simply veto any corrective bills the Republicans might muster up. No Republican majority will be sufficient in Congress to overcome such a veto, and 2024 will be too late. So . . . irrevocable.

What frosts me is that when WE had opportunity back in 2017, an opportunity to do good things and put America on a better path, RINO Paul Ryan was right in there with multiple kill shots.

Well Nancy Pelosi is no traitor like Ryan. She works for the Democrats, as advertised. And she is ready to lead the charge seeking to dismantle this once great nation. :frowning_face:

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Biden - unimpressing our political enemies. 2010 retrospective

The Supreme Court said illegals should Remain in Mexico under the prior immigration program. What excuse do you think our Dictator in Chief will use to ignore the SCOTUS this time?


Yes, it’s a miracle. I was wrong and I’ve never been more pleased to be wrong. All three of the Court liberals dissented. What America haters they are!

You do have to wonder about Biden’s next move. He just ignored the Court’s ruling on ending rent relief. It would not surprise me if he, once again, simply pays no attention to this ruling and does what he wants to do regardless.

Biden’s hatred for everything traditionally American is unbounded. This Court ruling does not serve his socialist/Marxist goals.

That did not take long. The so-called House Democrat centrists folded. As Shinobi mentioned, these bills will bankrupt the American economy.

Edit: now it is on to the Senate. I wonder how long it will take Manchin and Sinema to fold?

Their support was conditional upon a promise, elicited from Pelosi, to separate the two bills, bringing each to a vote on its own on or before 27 September. This was a significant concession by the radical socialist Democrats.

The fate of the current $3.5T package actually lies in the Senate. I anticipate a somewhat scaled down version to pass there, after which it will be approved in the House.

But it will not be scaled down sufficiently, in my view, to save the country. We are still in a LOT of trouble. The socialists are winning.

Senator Sinema is not going to fold per se. She reiterated only this week her staunch opposition to the $3.5T. Problem is we do not know her number. The three point five is SO outsized that even knocking off a trillion, for example, leaves us in an unrecoverable situation.

Sinema is a quirky little dame who marches to her own drummer. She is also an excellent politician.

As for Manchin, who knows what he will do. I certainly do not, and he has not said a lot about this so far.


I guess I am sort of surprised. But I shouldn’t be. It’s much easier for the court to go along with bad precedent than do the right thing.

And us conservatives have Donald Trump to thank for his Georgia senate race runoff gifts to the democrats. I am still 100% convinced if he had given up on “stop the steal” and told people that the way to stick it to the left that “stole” the election (legally) before a ballot was ever cast, by changing voting rules and suppressing negative stories about biden (among other things), was to vote for the republican senate candidates in Georgia on Jan 5, we would currently have a 52-48 republican senate.

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This might presage even MORE good news from the SCOTUS:

Chief Justice Roberts has ordered Biden to provide to the Court, by this coming Monday, justification for his having extended rent relief against the order of the Court. That move by Biden was, of course, total BS.

But things are moving faster at the SCOTUS than I anticipated would happen. We may be rid of this latest Biden illegality well before the end of October when it is scheduled to expire.

As he is head of the Biden crime family you have to be understanding about old Joe. After all, breaking the law is simply in his blood.


It kinda has to move fast, or it’ll soon be a moot point - and the only reason to investigate this violation would be to punish those who did the violating. And I’m pretty sure that holding a sitting President in contempt of The Supreme Court is something no one wants to dive into.

Racial bias is everywhere, if you make your living peddling it. Here’s today’s the mortgage approval headlines

Holding 17 different factors steady in a complex statistical analysis of more than 2 million conventional mortgage applications for home purchases reported to the government, we found that, in comparison to similar white applicants, lenders were:

● 80% more likely to reject Black applicants
● 70% more likely to deny Native American applicants
● 50% more likely to turn down Asian/Pacific Islander applicants
● 40% more likely to reject Latino applicants

Having seen enough of these claims, I’d almost say any story on bias that starts with some anecdote about some random minority person’s situation is probably worthless instead of getting right to the point of their academic study.

I liked how they claimed 17 “complex statistical factors” were held constant so you’d stop thinking and not notice this part…

In written statements, the ABA and MBA dismissed our findings for failing to include credit scores

It was impossible for us to include credit scores in our analysis because…

…then it wouldn’t show the result we wanted, and if you can’t lie with statistics, you’re not doing it right.

I’m sure a proper analysis would show banks don’t like to write mortgages to poor people, regardless of color, since after all, the leftists writing this report also probably think banks are greedy, white supremacist institutions that are exploiting minorities by… somehow not giving them mortgages? I mean if they’re good credits, the banks would get rich writing them market rate mortgages.


What is the first factor used when getting a mortgage? Your credit score.

What is the one variable they did not include when declaring these applicants to be “similar”? Their credit scores.

Good grief.


As a measure of just how much trouble our country is in, I solemnly offer the following:

Rasmussen is reporting that 44% of Americans believe President Biden is doing a good job!! And, yes, that is a current number, not something from the past.

Other polls are saying Biden’s “good job” approval stands at 41%. I’m not here to quibble over a few percentage points. The fact is at least two of every five Americans like Biden’s performance today. This despite perhaps the most failed seven month interval in American presidential history, together with clear evidence of Biden’s callousness, indifference, self serving instincts, and sloth.

It is difficult to have hope for America with a voting population so hopelessly hoodwinked. And that is to say nothing of the 2000 new potential voters entering our country illegally every day, each likely eventually to toe the Democrat party line.

Biden obviously needs to resign. Bad as she is, Kamala would probably do a better job. At the very least she might be more honest than Biden, and that would be refreshing.


Biden’s name is not Trump, so he’s obviously doing a great job.

This is what led to the real estate bubble of 2005-2008 and the resultant crash. I well remember Barney Frank and his committee railing against the banks’ red lining practices. I believe it was Mark Twain who said history does not repeat itself but it rhymes.

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That is because people with minimal skills, taking entry-level jobs and working them for the rest of their adult lives, should be entitled to a “living wage”. You know, they should have enough income to buy a home, take vacations to the Caribbean, send children to college, and save for retirement.

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we can hope that stories like this, which are still not being suppressed by the left media, will make a difference.

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you’re overestimating the power of President Trump. The fault lies with Georgia voters many of whom voted for the Democrats because they offered $2000 for pandemic relief instead of the $600 from McConnell and the Republicans.

This kept the election close enough that the Democrats could steal it. The other major blame is the corrupt so-called Republican Secretary of State Raffensperger and their governor Kemp. I am convinced that these two were paid off by the Democrats. After all if you’re spending $1 billion on the election what’s a few tens of millions to these two. not only did they not fight the Democrats but they turned and fought the Republicans who were trying to show it was stolen.


I hate to seem insensitive but… who decides to visit Afghanistan a couple of months before an announced withdrawal from Western forces? Yes, August has been a mess, but Afghanistan has been historically problematic and the withdrawal was been scheduled for a long time.

maybe all the flights to North Korea and Yemen were booked?