The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 2)

It is difficult being a Democrat right now

Were they not such miscreants you could almost feel sorry for them. Here we stand on the eve of their cherished anniversary. They are doing all in their power to gin up still more hate for Trump and for the Republicans. What an opportunity!!

But there is a major wrinkle. COVID is going nuts nearly everywhere and overshadowing the headlines Democrats fervently wish to use as a cudgel. And in some places nasty weather, too, is stealing the Democrat thunder. What next for our erstwhile heroes?

Of course redoubtable Democrat mainstream media will do all in its power to ignore today’s exigencies and focus instead on moldy year-old happenings. Let’s face fact:

Given Biden’s across the board administrative failures, past and present, and with more surely to come, January sixth is about all the Democrats have. So sad. So incompetent. So wrong. But always Woke.


Coming soon to a mail-in ballot election near you

Yes, indeed. This is a most serious matter regarding which I posted one week ago:


But this news cannot be repeated here too often. This is a disgrace!!! Biden is “seeding” purple states with (what he hopes will become) Democrat voters because the purple states, like Pennsylvania, will be easiest to turn solid blue.

Biden deserves to be impeached for this, but I certainly am not calling for his impeachment given the current occupant of the VP’s office.

Let’s Go Brandon is so popular the military and even NASCAR, the source of the original phrase, have banned it.

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Oh come on shin, this is Biden’s plan to fight inflation. Importing people to areas with worker shortages, to help quell cost increases. :rofl:


Kamala trying to make Biden look smart - compares the Capitol riots last year to Pearl Harbor.

Well, maybe Pearl Harbor if a bunch of Japanese tourists showed up to see the sites and one of our military shot one of them.

In a similar vein,

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"Great healer" Biden pulled scab off this morning, exposing raw wound

Biden showed his true colors this morning as he viciously excoriated Trump in his speech at the Capitol. This is Biden’s idea of “bringing the country together”.

Biden as POTUS has been an abject failure. Now he is also a disgrace to our country as well, given he did what he did this morning for self-evident partisan political purposes.

Anyone who voted November of 2020 for Biden should be ashamed. You people are to blame for this unmitigated debacle!


The bee really is indispensable. Here’s the article on the FBI reunion

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Special agents involved in last year’s ‘January 6th Insurrection Against Democracy™’ are set to reunite as guests of honor at an extravagant gala hosted by the FBI. The event will reportedly feature live music and entertainment, with comedian James Corden acting as master of ceremonies.

Numerous celebrities and public figures are expected to be in attendance, including former FBI Director James Comey. “I’m really excited to be relevant again,” he said, excitedly rubbing his hands together.

According to sources, several private citizens have questioned why taxpayer money is being used to throw a lavish party for government officials. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki addressed these concerns during her daily press briefing.

“Well, first I would say, that President Biden is committed to the Build Back Better™ bill,” Psaki reasoned. “Therefore, he cares for the American people and, as such, cares deeply about how their money is utilized. So, obviously, it’s fine.”

Psaki went on to applaud the FBI for all their hard work that cannot be disclosed.
The event will not be open to the public.

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Some good news for today. Other good news at the article. Who knows where this ends up but it could be worse. As an aside, of course the left-wing Axios writer uses the euphemism “filibuster reform”

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), also a key holdout to major filibuster reform, reiterated during the Democratic lunch she will not support any effort to get rid of the 60-vote threshold, according to two sources familiar with the call.

  • Sinema has been having one-on-one talks with her colleagues for weeks, one of the sources said.

The “insurrection day” show continues


The Democrats are right and it could mean the end of America

You hear the same words coming out the mouths of every Democrat from Biden and Harris on down the line:

"A threat to our democracy"

Well, the threat they perceive is real. It exists. So their fears are well founded. But of course there is a wrinkle:

America was never founded as, and never intended to be, the pure democracy for which Democrats are fighting hard.

It’s in our Pledge of Allegiance:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
And to the Republic for which it stands
One nation, under God
Indivisible with liberty and justice for all

I cannot recall ever hearing any Democrat defending the American Republic. And we are getting closer and closer to the point where, given opportunity, Democrats will do away with the Republic created by our founders and replace it with something much more closely resembling the pure democracy which is their “golden fleece”.

Evidence of this exists:

Only today Biden mentioned once again his having received millions more votes than Trump. That is irrelevant in an “as founded” American Republic, but it is everything were we instead a pure democracy . . as the Democrats wish. There are countless millions of Americans today for whom our Constitution is an impediment to them having their way. They are tired of this situation. They feel no allegiance or obligation whatsoever to a bunch of white men who got together in the 1700’s in Philadelphia and wrote a Constitution which does not cater to their views of the way things ought to be.

Such people as I just described are a real threat to our American Republic as it was founded. And there is a distinct possibility they will meet with success in their earnest quest to overthrow it.


Well, when you label your own violence as “peaceful protesting”, then of course you’re going to be overwhelmingly against the other side’s “violence”. Ignoring the fact that they’re the ones who brought violence as a response into the mainstream.


So I guess we given him credit for trying to stand on his own merits? No matter how much they try to hide it, “Not Trump” has always been the primary source of Biden’s support. The blunders of his first year only magnify that reality.


Havent we long denounced regimes in other coutries who retain their power with “elections” in which they first eliminate opposing candidates who the voters might support?

It’s a Salon article, so I consider it more to be the author’s hopes and dreams than it is a report of anything anyone is actually doing. But shouldnt the headline to such a subject be the fact that our leaders in government are plotting to eliminate the competition to help them remain in power?

The theme for the next couple of weeks from the Democrats is “Jim Crow Republican voting bills”.


Progressive-bias-masquerading-as-news, the Reuters edition. One of their top, long time data scientists wrote this well-supported internal report based on his own research.

“BLM Spreads Falsehoods That Have Led to the Murders of Thousands of Black People in the Most Disadvantaged Communities.”

The racists in the Reuters Diversity and Inclusion department didn’t like this one bit, censored his post, talked about their hurt feelings, and criticized his “whitesplaining” with all his white facts and white statistics. Like Google’s James Damore, he was too analytic and not politically savvy enough to realize they didn’t want or care about facts.

Kriegman used his skills as a data scientist to conduct a careful statistical investigation comparing BLM’s claims on race, violence, and policing with the hard evidence from a range of academic and governmental sources. The result: a 12,000-word essay, titled “BLM is Anti-Black Systemic Racism,” that called into question the entire sequence of claims by the Black Lives Matter movement and echoed by the Reuters news team. “I believe the Black Lives Matter (‘BLM’) movement arose out of a passionate desire to protect black people from racism and to move our whole society towards healing from a legacy of centuries of brutal oppression,” Kriegman wrote in the introduction. “Unfortunately, over the past few years I have grown more and more concerned about the damage that the movement is doing to many low-income black communities.

Reuters is selling you Black Supremacy Narratives, not news. They fired him for pointing these inconvenient facts out -

No bias in police killings, or maybe anti white

if the number of potentially violent encounters with police reflects the violent crime rates, then the raw statistics suggest that there is actually a slight anti-white bias in police applications of lethal force.

Police target criminals, not by race, otherwise known as doing their job

“the reason that police have more confrontations in predominantly black neighborhoods in Boston is because that is where the great bulk of violent crime is occurring,” … and Boston is hardly an outlier… violent-crime rates and policing are, in fact, highly correlated and proportionate. He quotes a Justice Department report which “found that for nonfatal violent crimes … None of these differences between the percentage of offenders and the percentage of arrestees of a given race were statistically significant.”

Reducing police harms poor, minority residents most, since they live in dangerous areas that need protection

de-policing, whether it occurs because of the “Ferguson Effect” or because of deliberate policy choices, has led to disaster for black communities… The result, according to data from a range of academic literature, is an increase in crime and violence. Kriegman again cites Fryer, who concluded that the Ferguson Effect led to 900 excess murders in five cities he considered, and the University of Utah’s Paul G. Cassell, who found that the “Minneapolis Effect” led to 1,520 excess murders in the United States.

Luckily, as a tech savvy analytic type, he had enough crypto from early on he didn’t need to care what they thought and was able to follow his conscious. Hopefully more of the country will follow his example.


here’s a link to his report. I do indeed hope he has enough money to sustain himself and his family because the left will be going after him.

Thomson Reuters must do better to resist simplistic narratives that are not based in facts and evidence, especially when those narratives are having such a profoundly negative impact on minority or marginalized groups. And, as one of the most important and respected media institutions in the world, Reuters News has a special responsibility to correct widely-repeated falsehoods that are spread as a result of structural and systemic patterns in our society which have historically disenfranchised blacks.


Insurrection insurrection! Trump’s not the one you need to worry about…

Even if you find the Trump phenomenon troubling, his opposition is not only authoritarian, but organized and armed with the intellectual tools to understand and appreciate how the technological elimination of democracy might be achieved in the 21st century.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney visited the House of Representatives yesterday. He and his daughter Liz were the only two Republicans present at a moment of silence commemorating the events of last January 6th.

On the pretense that new powers were needed to combat the sweeping global threat whose existence 9/11 supposedly proved, Cheney institutionalized executive assassination, torture, mass surveillance, secret prisons, secret budgeting, and the wholesale elimination of congressional oversight over most of his program, turning the world into what one Pentagon adviser who talked to Seymour Hersh back in the day called a “global free-fire zone.”

It was under Cheney’s watch that we turned into a country that snatched people off the streets all over the world, put them in indefinite detention in an archipelago of secret hell-holes, threatened to rape their family members, and resorted to techniques like “rectal feeding” so often that one Guantanamo Bay prisoner had to bring a special pillow to sit in court.

If the Democrats cared at all about issues like transparency, human rights, and civil liberties, they would be recoiling in horror from the prosecution of Assange, and the head of their intel committee wouldn’t be working to make it easier to prosecute journalists for exposing war crimes and torture. Instead, they’re backing the principle of arresting a non-American for the equivalent of treason, using a law that would render illegal practices that virtually every national security reporter engages in as a matter of routine.

I’d encourage reading the [Assange] indictment. All but one of the charges against Assange are for things like “conspiracy to obtain national defense information” or “obtaining national defense information,” with “national defense information” defined with extraordinary vagueness. Just hearing information “the President has determined would be prejudicial to the national defense,” or which may be “used to the injury of the United States,” can put you in jail basically forever under this law.

Dick Cheney was hated with an almost trump-like passion by the Left during the Bush administration. They all thought that W was his puppet. Taibbi’s article reflects their grievances.

I’m going to ignore the asinine subject of this article, where Democrats swear there is no fraud, then denounce laws that will ensure there is no fraud.

But this part shows the idiocy of those trying to push this issue:

Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), a White House confidant and the third-ranking House Democrat, took offense to Manchin’s argument that changes to Senate rules should be bipartisan, saying “we just don’t have enough Democrats who are in touch with the history of this country, or they’d stop saying some of this foolishness.”

“I am, as you know, a Black person, descended of people who were given the vote by the 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The 15th amendment was not a bipartisan vote, it was a single party vote that gave Black people the right to vote,” said Clyburn. “Manchin and others need to stop saying that because that gives me great pain for somebody to imply that the 15th Amendment of the United States Constitution is not legitimate because it did not have bipartisan buy-in.”

No one is saying such a vote needs to be bipartisan, jackass. Manchun is saying that you need bipartisan agreement to change the rules of how a law is passed. Nobody changed the rules to get the 15th amendment passed, you moron.

I’m so sick of the Democrats crapping all over their opposition as if their own shit doesn’t stink, when they’re the ones who keep overflowing the septic tank with all this misleading, if not entirely made up, propaganda.