The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 2)

Of course we have no way to know how extensively this sort of thing took place in the 2020 elections. Last night’s TV prime time Trump hit job seemed to admit there was election fraud, but not enough to change the outcome of the election. Is that the case? How can they be certain?

One thing we know absolutely for sure: the American mainstream media has no interest whatsoever in getting to the bottom of any possible voting fraud and exposing same honestly.

And why does all the voting fraud that is reported occur on the left?


If we can’t afford the inflation, we definitely can’t afford to let in more Biden voters.

Away from microphones, DHS officials jokingly refer to the scheme as the “Abbott plan,” according to an unidentified official who spoke to NBC. That’s a reference to Texas governor Greg Abbott, who earlier this year sent at least 10 busloads of illegal immigrants to Washington, D.C. as a means of redistributing the wealth of inbound Latin American diversity.

Weird sex in your schools, subsidized by PA, WA and NY taxpayer dollars respectively. Bring back the asylums.

The event included sessions on topics such as “The Adolescent Pathway: Preparing Young People for Gender-Affirming Care,” “Bigger Dick Energy: Life After Masculinizing [Gender Reassignment Surgery],” “Prosthetics for Sex,” “The Ins and Outs of Masturbation Sleeves,” and “Trans Sex: Banging Beyond Binaries.” The conference attendees included educators, activists, adults, and adolescents. There were graphic sessions on…

It is important to remember that this conference is not a fringe activity. The Mazzoni Center, which organized it, received more than $5 million in government contracts last year and runs sexuality programs in schools throughout the region… Despite the school district’s euphemisms about “wellness” and “self-esteem,” the conference materials reveal a sexual ideology steeped in radical queer theory, not commonsense sex education. Parents and taxpayers should ask why the district’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion encouraged teachers to participate in such programming.

the white European male-female binary has always been a harmful myth. “There’s no such thing as male genes or female hormones or a male body,” he said. White colonizers invented these concepts and imposed them on non-Western cultures in order to maintain “a system that creates value for very, very few white men.”

Her desire is to live in a society that has been liberated from transphobia and affirms her identity as a woman with a penis. “I one-hundred percent want to still be able to look in the mirror and see every part of myself as a woman, see every part of myself as a two-spirit trans woman, a beautiful being: my moustache, all of my facial hair, my untrimmed brows, my fat ass, my belly, my big dick, everything.”

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As a counterpoint to the above, here’s a well written piece on the decline of SF into crime, drugs, and far left ideology, and how when they finally attacked the schools, parents had enough and voted the bums out. Well, not the bums on the street dying of drugs, but the zealots on the schools boards and in the DAs office,

if you’re going to die on the street, San Francisco is not a bad place to do it. The fog keeps things temperate. There’s nowhere in the world with more beautiful views. City workers and volunteers bring you food and blankets, needles and tents. Doctors come to see how the fentanyl is progressing, and to make sure the rest of you is all right as you go.

There are parallels to the VA election too, where the left took for granted their voters would be fine with wrecking the school system and telling you how racist you were to have or want learning standards. Turns out they weren’t ok with that when it came to their kids, just like they’re not really ok with gender crazies and drag queens teaching either. Just have a look here and see where you stand.


And this from the same groups of people who are constantly criticizing others for being “science deniers”…

Even accepting their premise for a moment, shouldn’t the goal then be to eliminate gender designations altogether? The whole civil rights movement would’ve never gotten anywhere either, if it had tried to preserve racial segregation and only insisted that people get to choose their race. This whole movement is entirely laughable.

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This is sounding more and more like Sodom and Gomorrah is in process of becoming reality in our time.

The biblical instance did not end well. The current version will not end well either. Hope I’m no longer around when the inevitable comes to pass.

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Satire roundup




Some disinformation extremist wrote


Based on the data, Georgia had 250 mules average 24 drop boxes with five ballots each, totaling 30,000 illegal ballots. The margin of victory in Georgia was only 11,779, meaning that ballot trafficking alone would have changed the outcome of the state. There was a lot of other suspicious activity in Georgia, but the trafficking, by itself, was sufficient to change the outcome. Georgia’s 16 electors should not have gone to Biden.

A similar story occurred in Arizona. Two hundred identified mules averaged 20 drop boxes and five ballots each. That’s a minimum of 20,000 illegal ballots. The margin of victory in Arizona alone was 10,457, meaning that ballot trafficking alone was enough to flip the state. Arizona’s 11 electoral votes should not have gone to Biden.

True the Vote identified 1,100 mules in Philadelphia alone, each averaging 50 drop boxes and five ballots per box. That’s 275,000 illegal votes. The margin of victory in Pennsylvania was only 80,555, meaning the ballot trafficking scheme in Philadelphia alone was enough to flip the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Commonwealth’s 20 electoral votes should not have gone to Biden.

Those three states show that the illegal ballot trafficking scheme alone sufficed to change the outcome of the Election.

Joe Biden, a candidate who never left his basement and can’t speak without a teleprompter, outperformed Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in their two high-charged elections. Biden even outperformed Obama in black communities, but only in important swing states. Isn’t that amazing?


It doesn’t sound like they actually have verifiable evidence of what they claim.

I’m not saying that this kind of thing doesn’t or never happens at all – but I’m not seeing a worthwhile factcheck out there that actually supports their claim of it being that widespread.

EDIT; 2nd more recently updated link added with the interesting input from William Barr about how the methodology “2000 mules” used was lacking.

Joe Biden, a candidate who never left his basement and can’t speak without a teleprompter, outperformed Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in their two high-charged elections. Biden even outperformed Obama in black communities, but only in important swing states. Isn’t that amazing?

Why do some people have such a hard time understanding just how disliked Trump was, in terms of there being motivation to “vote against him”?

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This I agree with. The higher turnout in 2020 verses 2016 is mostly represented by those who assumed Trump’s candidacy in 2016 was a farce that would never succeed.


The so-called fact checkers you quote have been checked and they are deficient. For example see my post in my debate with Loren on this topic in the social credit thread.

The so-called experts quoted in Reuters article claimed that you need 12 to 18 inch accuracy. As I discussed this is not correct.

My takeaway from the fact-checker discussion was that “True the Vote” (at least at the time the fact-check was performed) didn’t provide their algorithm and data for review, so you basically have to take them at their word on their claims of how they supposedly corrected for pattern-of-life and other elements that would contaminate their dataset. (and that is just with the cell data – ignoring their claims that apparently didn’t hold up with regard to the claimed photo/video evidence)

I don’t doubt that the True The Vote people may truly believe what they say. But I do sincerely doubt that they represent the best-and-brightest in the space of intelligence gathering and data science, so I would have to see some legitimate professional audit / peer review of their results to accept their claims.

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OK that is fair. But perhaps we can agree on some other issues:

The news media and academics in the United States and Europe have far left politics so any fact check by them is questionable. To be believable they would have to practice the best scientific methods. At a minimum they would have to post the data and their software to reproduce their results.

To a fair observer, the voting rules and regulations put in place by the Democrats in 2020 cannot be used in future elections. They seem designed to promote cheating. The mass mailing of ballots, unattended drop boxes, ballot harvesting, prohibition of checking signatures on envelopes, and many other rules must stop.

You may say there’s no hard evidence of cheating but equally important in a democracy is that the voters have faith in the elections process integrity. I and many tens of millions of other voters do not have faith in the 2020 election integrity.


I see nothing has changed since I last logged in a year ago.

Iran appeasement reaching its logical conclusion.

Iran’s decision to enrich its HEU stockpile to 60 percent — a level significantly beyond the 3 percent to 5 percent HEU enrichment needed to produce fuel for medical experiments and nuclear power plants. Spoken or not, Tehran is clearly aiming for 90 percent HEU enrichment, the level necessary to build an atomic bomb.

then commander of U.S. Central Command, testified in a Senate hearing that Iran has “3,000 ballistic missiles,” including variants capable of reaching Tel Aviv, while assessing Tehran’s nuclear “breakout” is now measured in “weeks,” not “months.”


Big win for the woketards!!

On background, if you happen to be unaware:

George Washington University is located, unfortunately, in Washington, DC.

“We believe that the Colonial mascot does not uphold colonialism, rather it is meant to honor the colonists of the Continental Army who fought against tyrannical colonialism in the establishment of our nation,” the GWU College Republicans said in a statement. “These colonials fought against foreign rule, they weren’t advocates of the practice of colonialism. The erasure of the Colonial mascot is an erasure of the sacrifice made by those who dedicated their lives to the creation of our great nation.

“We are also deeply troubled with the possibility that this could snowball into the changing of the University’s name itself, which we remain in vehement opposition to. We look forward to any collaboration or inquiries to resolve this issue.”

At the rate things are “progressing”, watch in future first for the name “George Washington”, or just “Washington”, to be removed from everywhere you find it today. Later it appears certain the woketards will do whatever they can to stain that same name with dishonor!

Which is code for “a handful of loudmouths wouldnt shut up.”


The Israelis have had some success slowing them down through sabotage but that is not enough. At some point they are going to have to use their nuclear weapons to shut down the Iran program.

Will that lead to a general war in the Middle East? How will the mostly anti-Israel Europeans react? How will the mostly anti-Israel US Democrats react?

I’m pretty certain Biden would not be supportive of an Israeli attack on Iran regardless any provocation or circumstances.

Biden, like Obama and Carter before him, is a long way from being pro-Israel. This despite any contrary BS Biden might spew. Words are cheap.

“A drag queen for every school”

“Drag queens make everything better”

No. I’m not making that up!

Those are the words of Michigan’s current Attorney General. Obviously you don’t believe me. Deal with this:

Do I need to tell you this POS is a Democrat? They want the grooming and indoctrination of our young children to commence at the earliest possible age. And the contrary wishes of parents be damned.

Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe captured the mission of the Democratic Party in 2021 when he uttered this phrase: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.

Move aside, Terry. A new catchphrase encapsulates the Democratic Party even better: “A drag queen for every school.

While McAuliffe’s tagline showcased the Democratic Party’s disregard for the right of parents to have a say in their children’s education, Nessel’s gets closer to the truth : Democrats want to indoctrinate children into radical progressivism.