The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 1)

Biden prioritizes Gitmo detainees over the American citizens he supposedly serves as POTUS:

Biden places inoculations for Gitmo detainees ahead of those for desperate American citizens

Biden defers once again to America’s sworn enemies while turning his back on the American people.

Do you want to gain favor with this new POTUS? Hate Americans right alongside him. He will be your friend forever. Biden is working hard as he is able to destroy America’s greatness as quickly as possible.

“In the latest QAnon theory to emerge from the archives of Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Congresswoman suggested that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was replaced by a body double years before her death:”

Welcome, as the saying goes, to the weekend. :grinning:

There is lots of cool stuff happening. A week from tomorrow the GOAT, Brady, goes up against Mahomes in the SuperBowl. Just one day later the trial of Donald John Trump, a private citizen, will commence in the US Senate. The Democrats are going all out to tarnish Trump beyond repair. But there is a problem, and it relates to something happening right now:

The Democrats are desperate to pass their bloated $1.9T porkulous bill just as soon as possible. Biden has said it must pass, with or without Republican support. Actually Republicans do support those portions of the bill which seek to help Americans devastated by the pandemic. But as you would anticipate, the bill itself is a Christmas tree of Democrat party BS spending. And the Democrats have steadfastly refused to split the bill up so as to allow bipartisan support for provisions relating only to the pandemic.

All that has left Democrat strategists with a legislative race condition. It they do not pass the porkulous before February eighth, the Senate will be consumed with their Trump trial, which is of indeterminate length and might not end as early as Democrats hope. Meanwhile, of course, the porkulous would languish if not passed before the trial gets underway.

Now to be fair, the trial is as phony as a $3 bill. Democrats will preside, not the Chief Justice as would be the case were the trial on the level. So Democrats might, indeed, be positioned to hurry things along by means of cheating and one-sided rulings from the Chair, which they control. Democrat expertise, when it comes to such things, is unquestioned.

But you never know what Trump might have prepared. After all, he was never even given an opportunity to present a case during the one-day House impeachment fiasco. There could be things never before revealed which might consume time unanticipated by the Democrat impeachment machine.

Bottom line, there is no need to wait a week for the drama to commence. Democrats right now need to pass the porkulous ASAP. And the budget reconciliation process needed to do that with only 51 votes is itself time consuming. I hope the Republicans will fight them, and delay them, at every twist and turn. But Republicans are such hopeless wusses and cowards. Only God knows how strenuously they will resist. :unamused:

This was a good discussion of the role of both the filibuster and budget reconciliation in a closely divided Senate.

Backup link

Specifically, the budget reconciliation requires only a majority to pass a spending bill, but there’s some random bureaucrat who gets to judge whether tranny rights and DC statehood included in a “covid relief” spending bill aren’t budget items and therefore the whole thing gets vetoed. However the majority can overrule them, so unless Manchin or a few other Democrats are willing to back up this so called Byrd Rule (of not overruling the budget judgement) in the same way they have said they absolutely won’t support ending the filibuster, the consequences are the same.

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Biden’s been working hard signing things he hasn’t read. He has signed more executive orders in January than either Obama or Bush II did in any year of their presidencies. Here are dozens of Executive Actions, ranging from an anti-Asian hate crime guidance for the attorney general (in case you are a wrong thinker who refers to covid as the “China/Wuhan virus”) to setting up a Health Equity Task Force to figure out how to give primarily Democrat-voting minorities more money than you because “covid”. You know it’s getting out of hand when even the NYT agrees he should lay off the executive orders!

Now would be a fine time to reflect on Joe’s thoughts on personal integrity and democracy regarding executive actions. This is was the Oct’20 ABC Town Hall interview just before the election.

“I have this strange notion. We are a democracy,”
“Some of my Republican friends, and some of my Democratic friends occasionally say ‘well if you can’t get the votes, by executive order you’re going to do something’”.
You can’t do it by executive order, unless you’re a dictator”
“We’re a democracy, we need consensus.”

A dictator in his own words.

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That is good stuff, xerty, and probably explains why it can take a while to pass a bill via budget reconciliation.

But the Democrats do not have all the time in the world. They have only until a week from Monday. :wink:

I have noticed how Democrats repeatedly refer to “threats to our democracy”.

Frankly, I am far more concerned with their overt threats to our Republic.

Democrats care little about our American Republic, or about the Constitution of the United States of America which is the basis for our Republic. If they could somehow achieve pure democracy I think they would opt to do so in a heartbeat.

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Biden’s been so busy getting rid of Trump’s mistakes that Don Jr. and I’m Eric fear for their lives.


He’s reversing someone else’s excessive anti-democratic orders.

Your argument is like criticizing the Allies in WW2 for using force to fight Hitler, when before the war they said they wanted peace.

Don’t you want UNITY? Didn’t you hear 50 million morons think the election was “stolen”? So all that can bring unity is Biden appointing Trump to Secretary of State. Then getting Harris, Pelosi and Leahy to resign, and, finally, resigning himself.

Stop your Russia hoax and witch hunts against the former and best president.


Biden doesn’t support violent assassins who attack the government, call for death to all sorts of people, and believe there’s a cannibalistic pedophilia cult controlling the government so no, no unity for them.

It’s almost funny how much the right-wing cult is like Iranian and other Jihadists who say “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.” They get mad at anyone and it’s even “Hang MIke Pence”, “Shoot Nancy Pelosi”, etc. A lot of them are now even mad at Trump.

A good way for Fragile Deal people to make money?

Does that mean you know a liberal dem that may have left the pipe?

You keep insisting on him being a private citizen as if that matters. Don’t you think that if he is guilty of what he’s being accused of, which is to be determined at the trial, then letting him off scot-free just because his term ended would create a terrible precedent?

If a retired cop is tried for a crime committed on the job before retirement, does it matter that he’s retired? If convicted, could he lose his retirement benefits?

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But he’s not guilty of the actual legal standards of incitement (Brandenburg, etc), at least according to most legal writeups I’ve read, nor is an impeachment a criminal jury trial that cares about facts, has a presumption of innocence, or a standard of guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt”. It’s just a bunch of politicians in the Senate with highly conflicted interests voting on whatever they think will be best for them personally. None of them would be allowed on a jury for a jury trial.

Although the consequences for impeachment matter more when still in office (and possibly the subsequent vote to bar from future office), the impeachment at this stage is not that different than the less serious censuring proposed against Greene mentioned recently, which basically is a majority vote saying “we don’t like you”.

Here are a couple legal reviews of actual incitement.

In short, telling people to walk an hour over to riot at the capitol wouldn’t count as incitement even if he said “walk over to the capitol and go in there and lynch those traitors Pelosi and Pence”, which of course he didn’t either despite how the left tries to spin it. There’s an “imminent in time” requirement for the action incited that is clearly not met at all.