The 2024 election politics

I suspect that the Venn diagram of conservative talk radio hosts/listeners and conspiracy theorists is a circle.

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News from “far right” Europe. The leftist media are not pleased.

How Geert Wilders turned all corners of Dutch society into far right voters

The taboo of voting for populist, anti-immigration parties is fading.

Edit. Elections have consequences

They are planning to move their embassy to Jerusalem, like about eight other countries, including the United States.


More on Biden’s poor showing in battleground states.

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Why progressive DAs are losing their grip on the West Coast

From Portland to Los Angeles, top prosecutors in deep-blue regions are being challenged over their criminal justice policies.

SAN FRANCISCO — Progressive prosecutors are under siege all along the West Coast, as voters in deep-blue metro areas express their frustration with more lenient approaches to crime.

The trend started with the 2022 recall ouster of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, which criminal justice reformers once labeled a pandemic-induced anomaly unlikely to repeat in other liberal-leaning bastions.

But this week’s district attorney election in the ultra-liberal Portland area made it clear the sentiment isn’t a one-off. Progressive District Attorney Mike Schmidt was defeated by tough-on-crime challenger Nathan Vasquez, a prosecutor in Schmidt’s own office and an independent who was previously a Republican.

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Support for Israel as an issue is pushing traditional democratic donors to trump.

Call it the rise of the Never Bidens, donors who once were more worried about Trump but now see Joe Biden’s bid for a second term the greater threat to America. The Free Press spoke with four donors who contributed tens of millions of dollars in the last election cycle. They say they are reconsidering their political giving in light of the president’s approach to the Israel-Hamas war. All of them expressed their frustration with Biden’s CNN interview last Wednesday, in which he said of Israel, “if they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah.”

“I think the announcement on Wednesday,” he said referring to Biden’s arms decision, “was the last straw for people who were already leaning very close to going for Trump. He continued, “There is clearly a change going on, people who are active in politics with big money, people who were never Trumpers or reluctant ‘hold your nose Trumpers’ are telling me that Trump has to win.”

All those extra Jewish votes and campaign contributions will surely help Trump, but will they help enough? Biden still has a key demographic in his favor.

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Republican governors like DeSantis are leading the way in the culture war

School choice programs have been wildly successful under DeSantis. Now public schools might close.

The Republican governor’s school choice programs may serve as a model for other GOP-leaning states across the country.

Now as those programs balloon, some of Florida’s largest school districts are facing staggering enrollment declines — and grappling with the possibility of campus closures — as dollars follow the increasing number of parents opting out of traditional public schools.

Trump and Elon Musk seem to have gotten closer, talking about giving him a position if Trump wins.

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Trump found guilty, of being tried for crimes in NY.

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So expect another jump in the polls?

The Republican fund raising site crashed from too many visitors shortly after the verdict. So yeah, probably. Trump has been rising in the polls as the trial progressed, even as the judge’s actions made it increasingly clear he was going to make it easy for the prosecutors to win, give very unusual jury instructions to let them choose guilty more easily, etc.

More commentary

I wouldn’t trust the betting average on this particular bet. If I was a betting man, I’d bet on Trump too, that way I win even if I lose.


People are voting with their money

Edit. Big money too

The center is moving right (or maybe the Democrats moved a lot farther left). Manchin leaves the Democratic party.

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More big $$ for President Trump

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You know it’s a bad case when CNN’s legal analyst pans the verdict

Prosecutors “got Trump—but they contorted the law” to do so, argues veteran prosecutor and CNN legal analyst Elie Honig in New Yorkmagazine. “Both of these things can be true at once: the jury did its job, and this case was an ill-conceived, unjustified mess,” he writes in the widely shared piece.

Meanwhile, this might be a 2016 style democratic blunder ala giving trump all that media coverage he parlayed into his first term. Since last week he’s at $200m and counting from the conviction

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I know he’s not technically a felon until sentencing next month, but this was a funny take

In the hours after being convicted on 34 counts of something or other, Trump issued a reminder to the media that the proper term to describe him is “justice-impacted individual.”

The term, commonly used by Democrats and journalists to describe convicted felons, now describes a 2024 presidential candidate, giving Americans an exciting opportunity to vote for someone unfairly targeted by the U.S. justice system.

“I am a justice-impacted individual, possibly the most justice-impacted of any person in history,” said Trump

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WSJ calling out the emperor’s lack of attire. Who wants to vote for Prez Harris?

When President Biden met with congressional leaders in the West Wing in January to negotiate a Ukraine funding deal, he spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him, according to five people familiar with the meeting. He read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out

Damage control, White House pressuring anyone who was interviewed to give a favorable review after perhaps inaccurately speaking the truth.

This article is based on interviews with more than 45 people over several months…The White House kept close tabs on some of The Wall Street Journal’s interviews with Democratic lawmakers. After the offices of several Democrats shared with the White House either a recording of an interview… “They just, you know, said that I should give you a call back,” said Rep. Gregory Meeks, a New York Democrat. the White House spokesman, said: “We thought it was important… to correct what he said were “false and politically motivated claims.”

Meanwhile, it’d be so easy to dispel these fears…

The White House said the president’s doctors have found him fit to serve, and that his recent annual physical showed no need for a cognitive test.

but they’re worried all those 25th amendment “unfit to serve, kick out the Prez” claims they trialed against Trump might backfire and kick out Biden before the empty suit can be re-elected. A reminder how bad he’s been doing lately - talking to the dead and hallucinating his VP role in fighting Covid… during the Trump Presidency?

During a February fundraiser in New York, he recounted speaking to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl—who died in 2017—at the 2021 Group of Seven meeting. That same month, at a different fundraiser, he said that during the 2021 G-7 summit he had spoken to former French President François Mitterrand, who died in 1996.

On May 20, during a Rose Garden event celebrating Jewish American Heritage month, Biden said one of the U.S. hostages held in Gaza was a guest at the White House event, before correcting himself. One day earlier, at a campaign event in Detroit, he indicated that he was vice president during the Covid-19 pandemic, which started three years after he left that office. It was one of numerous flubs in the single speech that prompted the White House to make corrections to the official transcript.

The president spoke so softly and with such little enunciation that attendees said they struggled to hear what he was saying, people familiar with the meeting said. He told the same story more than once about his experiences with the DuPont company during his time as a Delaware senator,

Meanwhile, this calls for the hide-in-the-basement strategy that got him elected last time.

Americans have had minimal opportunities to see Biden in unscripted moments… His last wide-ranging town-hall-style meeting with an independent news outlet was in October 2021.

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Will be interesting to see the spin by the left media if the “far right” does indeed make a good showing

Don’t know what this implies but it sounds awful for Macron…