Two free credit score providers

I don’t think so, in my experience CapOne and Discover report the statement balance, not weekly current balance. I use both for the small balance credit and I charge that small balance at random times throughout the cycle. That small balance never shows up on my reports.

I have actual evidence to the contrary, but I guess YMMV?

Is it unconditional weekly reporting or is there a trigger, like a payment? If payment of a certain size is a trigger, then you may be right.

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I am 99% sure it’s no questions asked, weekly reporting.

Just checked CK for my two and my wife’s one Discover accounts. For all three the reporting date is the more recent of the last payment or last statement, which is well over a week ago for two of the cards. Based on that, it seems that they don’t report weekly for cards with no activity during that time period.

Only one of these cards has recent activity and its statement date was six days ago so I’m going to keep checking to see if they report the updated balance in the next couple of days.

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