When will you allow yourself to be vaccinated?

“Mostly safe and mostly effective” would be mostly correct. :wink:

Meanwhile, in NY citizens are second class behind criminals. All prisoners to get vaccine priority over the general public.

Not sure why it wouldn’t make sense to get them vaccinated early. Prisons are packed. It’s just a lot of people living in close proximity with limited ways to socially distance. These places have always had very high transmission rates. Criminals or not, you got to put a relatively high priority for higher risk folks.

Inmates also cannot do much to get their shots even if they are eligible since they cannot exactly get to a vaccination center freely. So the state has to have plans to get them vaccinated. And it’s not like it’s taking that many doses away either. 4% of the weekly doses allocation to get all these inmates vaccinated. NY has other issues than making a fuss over this IMO.

Interesting they did not say which vaccine allegedly causes the reaction. Wonder if there’s something going on. I’m sure we’ll hear more about it. Maybe they’ll try to sue the manufacturer or something.

On the flip side, my own experience could hardly have been milder. I had no reaction whatsoever right after, went to play tennis for a couple of hours in afternoon, but was tired with 99.4 fever the first evening, and soreness in the upper arm the next morning then that was pretty much it. Same generic stuff as with annual flu vaccine honestly. Same story with almost all of my friends. Only one among about 20 I heard from so far had worse symptoms than with usual shots. Some had no reaction whatsoever beside slight soreness. YMMV but was worth it for me for sure.


According to the article at the link the diagnosis is as reported by the family in an obituary. Not exactly the most reliable source.

You don’t catch anaphylaxis like a cold. She had an allergic reaction within minutes after her vaccine shot, got an epi-pen, and the EMTs came and took her to the hospital.

"During the waiting period following the vaccine administration, the individual began experiencing anaphylaxis and medical treatment was provided. The resident was transported to a local hospital where the individual later passed away. The death will be fully investigated in accordance with standard protocol. Until the investigation is complete, it is premature to assign a specific cause of death.”

Premature, you know, like how it’s premature to assign any motive to that guy in CO for shooting up the grocery store because the obvious explanation (Islamic extremism based in his social media rants) isn’t the one the press is going to like. I’m gonna go with Occam’s Razor on this one and say if you collapse within minutes of your shot and die promptly thereafter, it was probably the shot and not sudden onset liver failure…

this is literally the only situation where medically you have a death that can be causally linked to a vaccine and they’re still trying to downplay it. The UT lady who went home and started to have liver failure and then died from that 3-4 days later (which is how long it takes you to die of liver failure) could have just been bad luck because after all a few apparently healthy people do die from sudden liver failure each year.

I’m not saying the vaccines aren’t worth getting or anything, it’s just the press coverage has its own agenda which often involves lying to you, just like how it told us not to bother buying masks back in Feb a year ago. This one sure looks like an open and shut case… book it as a covid death and move on.


these are outliers, and since most people don’t understand stats perhaps it’s best not to contribute to vax hesistancy


While I appreciate that your intentions are honest, this can be said about almost anything. People have to be willing to turn off the TV, put the phone down, etc. and take a little responsibility, instead of having a talking head tell them what to do … or not.

No, I won’t yell fire in a theatre, but I will certainly ask what smells.

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Gee, where were those high minded media editors last year when they decried the vaccine as unsafe if it was to be given under the prior administration? Besides hesitancy isn’t a problem until we have enough vaccines available for everyone who wants them.

And the stats are showing more people now are willing to get a vaccine compared to earlier after seeing all these other people get theirs. That’s not unreasonable, especially for younger people for whom the short term covid risk is manifestly very very small, while the vaccine risk is less well known. We are still no where close to having as much data on vaccines as we do on people surviving covid, but the stats are getting better all the time.

Either way, each person has their own risks to worry about and what’s reasonable for one may not be for another. The whole “hesitancy” metric as asking people “how likely are you to take an offered vaccine” is kinda dumb without the risk demographics of the person answering.


This article says that the details of her case will be entered into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. As of right now, there are no 65+ year old female deaths in Kansas in the system. I’ll be curious to see how it ends up being reported since the only articles are 5+ days old and they say that the hospital says there is no cause of death yet.

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if you collapse wiyhin minutes ,.it was probably the shot…

or maybe not. The human body is a complex system. You don’t know the background. To combine two stories in the news, maybe the woman had ingested a lethal dose of fentanyl and meth shortly before the shot? :face_with_monocle:

let’s wait until more evidence is in such as from an autopsy before jumping to conclusions

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My comparison here may seem crazy.
Right now we have a murder case, of George Floyd, going on.
Did the booze, drugs or something else cause death. Or on the other hand, did Police force on his body cause death?
The case of guilt will depend on quality of the Lawyers.

JNJ manufacturing screwup, loses 15M doses, shut down production pending FDA investigation.

backup link

Workers at a Baltimore plant manufacturing two coronavirus vaccines accidentally conflated the vaccines’ ingredients several weeks ago, ruining about 15 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine and forcing regulators to delay authorization of the plant’s production lines. The plant is run by Emergent BioSolutions, a manufacturing partner to both Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca. Federal officials attributed the mistake to human error.

The mixup has halted future shipments of Johnson & Johnson doses in the United States while the Food and Drug Administration investigates.

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Got my first shot today of Pfizer. I traveled to the rural part of the state for the vaccine - our county (King) has not opened a mass center near us due to “equity” so we’re reliant on the pharmacies which are booked up, or we can travel to an adjacent county. The sites in the south are restricted to Southern King County residents only, and we live in the north.

I drove 2 hours to the Kittitas County fairgrounds in Ellensburg, which was about as pleasant of an experience as one could expect. Appointments were wide open for days. They took me 30 mins early, I filled out some paperwork, and 5 mins later I had a shot. No ID check, no eligibility questions, and everyone was super friendly. They booked me a second appointment while I waited my 15 minutes post-vaccine (which the other mass centers run by the state do not do automatically, you’re on your own to secure a second appointment). There was no wait for anything. My personal info wasn’t shared with CVS, Walgreens, etc.

The state could learn a thing or two from the rural folk.


Couldn’t you have driven 15 minutes to an downtrodden/disenfranchised/oppressed part of your county and gotten the shot? Granted, it may not have been as pleasant, but 2 hours?

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I could have, but the county-run sites down in Auburn and Kent require ID with a specific zip code, which I do not have. It’s also an hour’s drive to either site from our place in heavy traffic. I suppose I could have claimed I was an undocumented immigrant, or homeless person, but at that point, I’d rather just take the easy 2 hour drive through Snoqualmie Pass, which was just gorgeous on a sunny day like today.

Related - the county denied an attempt by a nearby city to open a site that’s closer to the northern part of the county, citing “equity”: Emergency Manager’s Report to City Council on COVID-19 (March 16, 2021) | City of Sammamish COVID-19 Information & Resources | Connect Sammamish

FWIW, the irony that they lash out at voter ID laws, but then limit healthcare to those in “chosen” zip codes with state-issued ID is not lost on me at all.


White nationalist ISNT A THING. Just stop already.

You literally … JUST Regurgitate what the media tells you too.

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Oh I see you have made an April Fool’s joke.

Here’s a good review of Tucker Carlson’s background and his white nationalist talking points:

So Bender, Question, do you wish to see military combat pregnant women ready for the battlefield?

You think pregnant women should be prohibited from training or working at all? Mandatory 9 month career setback?
Should they be on paid leave the whole time or come in to work at the military base in civilian clothes?

Yes, we get it. Biden is apparently squeaky clean. So instead there is outrage on Potato Head brand expanding their product lineup, the first dog having a bowl movement, and women being allowed to work.

You can take your white supremacist logic to the politics thread, thanks.