When will you allow yourself to be vaccinated?

In the past, people have been drafted (and with the exception of the draft dodgers, like POTUS) and had to go to war. I’m fine with a few hours of body aches.

Another example that liberals, lefties, etc. have become “the man”. If Abbie Hoffman is alive today and straight, I wonder if he would be disgusted or proud of the power.

As much as I hate to disagree with Bend3r, that line is too Orwellian for me.

In this country, everybody has the freedom and liberty to be as stupid or irresponsible as they want :grin: as long as it’s lawful. Clearly it’s not always a good thing, but it’s better than the alternative. With vaccines there’s a clear choice – if you want to be inoculated and protect those you care about (or if taking care of others is your job), then get a vaccine. If you don’t care and don’t get a vaccine, you only have yourself to blame for any negative outcome of that decision. All the “brave” people who don’t get vaccinated will only be dangerous to each other. I don’t have a problem with this.


Well sure. You have the freedom and liberty to eschew civic and patriotic duties. You are not required to be patriotic. And with bad governments (lots of examples around the world), it’s often not even a good idea to be patriotic, or it’s just required to pretend to be.

This is not true. Efficacy is not 100%, nor does it last forever (or at least that is currently unknown). And there are also likely vulnerable populations that it would be ill-advised to obtain a vaccine (I don’t think the trials have tested particularly vulnerable groups), or would likely have much lower expected efficacy, such as immunocompromised individuals.

Private and public situations such as employees at businesses, travelers in airplanes and hotels can and should require vaccinations at some point. Just like other vaccinations are required in several circumstances (schools, etc).

The overall economy also retains the knife at its throat through delays if the anti-vaxxers are common, that’s a situation where the “patriotic” duty comes in. The faster we are safely past this crisis, the better it is for the nation.

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Well, we don’t really know how long it lasts, but if it doesn’t last long, the vaccine might become periodic, like the flu vaccine. We also don’t know about the vulnerable populations, because these vaccines don’t work the same way as some other vaccines – they do not contain an attenuated virus.

It is possible that private and public institutions may start requiring vaccinations. And I think I’m OK with that also. It’s not the same thing as the federal government mandating vaccinations or labeling it “patriotic duty”. In that sense (and in the sense that the OP of this thread used it in his other threads), “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.” [1]

At least one hospital system in the midwest is requiring their employees to take the drug. I can possibly understand forcing front line personnel (nurses/docs/pas/candystripers) with the excuse of keeping your labor force from getting sick. I would much prefer to see a financial penalty applied to their health insurance costs, much like tobacco surcharges. Regardless, I’m not sure why they think their back office personnel are at risk, and are also being forced to choose between employment and their instinct/trust.

Or just tie the next relief payments to vaccinations. No vaccination, no tax credit (assuming there are enough for everyone in rich countries by the end of next year. )

??? (sorry, but it required four characters)

The $1200/ person refundalble tax credits to up to $150k($200k phaseout) households or $75k(100k) single.

Unrelated: Fark me. Insomnia again tonight :frowning:


That line is the foundation of the Nazi’s rise to power…

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Yeah, that’s not opening a can of worms or anything.

“Agree with me, or you are wrong and must be punished” is far worse and far more fascist and authoritarian than anything you’ve so vigerously complained about these past 4 years.

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Offering incentives to promote activity is not punishment. Basically all of our existing tax credits and deductions are ostensibly incentivizing certain behavior or actions that the government has decided to promote.

One’s need for financial aid is not attributed to getting vaccinated. The vaccine is already free. In fact, it’d seem that the lack of a vaccine is what would require someone to need aid. The tax code doesn’t reward parents with a tax credit after their kids have reach age 18 and left their house.

Might as well impose a tax on anyone who doesn’t dye their hair blonde. It’s logically the same.

Yes, I have a problem with you using taxpayer money to bribe people to do what you want them to do.

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I think it’s also to allow the hospital to have more stability in their workforce. I cannot imagine why frontline workers would not get a vaccine while being constantly at risk but if enough of them get sick, that can compromise operations for the hospital, damage their reputation, etc… I think that’s within their rights to require employees to get the vaccine asap considering the current level of community spread and need for healthcare workers.


I guess this thread might be around for a while given what is happening in Europe. For those unfamiliar:

You may go back to the OP and change your vote should that be your wish, in light of emerging information. I am taking another look myself. Pity.


You have to consider these vaccines remain highly experimental and there are billions of dollars on the line for the “big pharma” giants.

I do not trust big pharma. And that distrust has been well earned over the years.

Okay, but you must trust the research scientists and universities who big pharma drown with money to fund grants that investigate their drugs. :money_mouth_face:

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Especially disappointing considering those with existing severe allergies requiring them to carry EpiPen could use a break. I wonder if it’s a result of the mRNA vector and if they’ll have to wait for the J&J or AstraZenca vaccines to be on the safe side.

This is a bit what I meant by being having the luxury of not being first to get it in a way due to being low priority. By the time, it’s my turn, the dust will have settled. I’m not allergic to anything so it doesn’t seem to matter for my case but it’s still very early goings so who knows what else they’ll uncover as they move from 30k trial to tens of millions.