When will you allow yourself to be vaccinated?

They do though. Not in as large numbers, but they do.

Right. I’m deferring to the local authority experts.

You got it. He’s very young and only sees other kids at daycare and occasional outings. I try hard to limit the number of times I have to say “no”.

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I know WSJ offers subscribers a way to generate a special link that bypasses the paywall. Maybe that idea is spreading.

Usually, imo, daycare is probably where kids get sick. Unless you have some kind of private daycare arrangement where kids don’t mix with other kids at all.

Personally, I would only use a daycare that ensures that all kids gets a vaccine regimen before being allowed in. Others are free to choose whatever they want.

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My Local school board supports lifting mask requirements. The School District’s BoarEducation will be taking a resolution to the state legislature soon, asking lawmakers to lift mask requirements for students.

I strongly support this. I think it’s time we back off on our classrooms & try to get things back or closer to normal.

Research is there. You two posters here with >2 year old kids are making your ideas easier to understand. We all are listening!

Definitely. Especially when they first start. I heard stories from other parents about their kids being sick on and off many times for a year.

Not sure if state or federal, but here all children must have all the required vaccinations to attend a licensed daycare.

Full body condom?

Hazmat suit?


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Data from UK showing the PFE vaccine is working quite well, although a bit less than against the original, for the India variant.

That one seems to be a fair bit more transmissible and also the vaccines seem to work less well until your second one than they did against the earlier types of the virus.

Delta now accounts for nearly half of Covid-19 cases in some Midwest and mountain states, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said

The Gamma variant, which spread widely in Brazil, made up at least 16% of U.S. cases between June 9 and 15, according to the study, while Delta made up 14% of cases that week. Delta is spreading faster than Gamma, Dr. Lee said. He said he expected prevalence of the Delta variant to plateau in the U.S. at about 70% to 80% of Covid-19 cases.

Delta = Indian
Gamma = Brazilian

Polls before have said full approval might help persuading the holdouts. Let’s hope the FDA doesn’t sit on it. It’ll also eliminate a roadblock for covid vaccines to be added to required immunization schedules, eg for college.

NO GO! I own stock in Delta. How dare they denigrate one of America’s top airlines and one of Atlanta’s top employers/tax generators. :smile:

MRNA and PFE vaccines seem to have a rare heart muscle inflammation side effect, especially in younger men / adults, and moreso for MRNA than PFE’s.




studies done on other variants containing the mutation indicate it might help the virus sidestep some of the body’s immune response. Lab research also indicates that the mutation might diminish the effectiveness of some monoclonal antibody treatments.


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Yeah Israel already reinstated indoor mask mandates, and exposure quarantines regardless of vaccination.

i believe they’ll make a flu combo too. So 1 shot and done…

People who got JNJ might want to get one of the PFE/MRNA ones since the India variant responds better to the latter ones.


Anyone here who got the JNJ considering the Moderna / Pfizer shot - Why or why not?

Not yet. Waiting to see what J&J comes up with along the lines of a one-shot booster.

The UK mix and match study compared AZN-AZN and PFE-PFE two shot regimes to a mixed AZN-PFE and PFE-AZN approach. They also looked at a 3rd AZN shot. This was based in antibody tests and similar, not a randomized controlled trial of who actually got sick, so take it FWIW.

Backup link

Participants who received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine generated the highest number of antibodies against the coronavirus spike protein. But the immune response from those who received AstraZeneca then Pfizer almost matched levels reached with two Pfizer shots. Participants in the AstraZeneca-Pfizer group generated more than nine times the antibodies of those dosed twice with AstraZeneca.

Pfizer followed by AstraZeneca also showed a stronger antibody response than two shots of AstraZeneca. But the order mattered, with the Pfizer-AstraZeneca group lagging behind the AstraZeneca-Pfizer group. Still, participants in the Pfizer-AstraZeneca group generated around five times the antibodies of those who received two AstraZeneca doses.

The study also suggested that a mix-and-match approach could produce a stronger T-cell immune response than receiving two doses of either vaccine. A first dose of AstraZeneca followed by Pfizer produced the strongest T-cell response of any group, followed by the Pfizer-AstraZeneca combination. Scientists say both types of immunity help protect against the coronavirus, but it is not yet clear which, if either, plays a bigger role.

Volunteers who received a mixture of two vaccines were more likely to experience side effects, but these were mild to moderate, and generally short-lived.

Given the general robustness to the variants seen by most of these vaccines, ie they work almost as well even with some viral changes, I think the T cell immune response is likely to be an important factor and so seeing that do well with AZN-PFE combo makes me think if I’d gotten AZN I would certainly consider a PFE for my second dose.

They didn’t study JNJ since this was the UK and their main two vaccines were AZN first and PFE second, but given the technology is similar between JNJ and AZN, there’s reason to suspect those findings might generalize.

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You mean between JNJ and AZN.


Yes, thanks. Fixed.

Recent preliminary paper and prior sources on how viral vector vaccine methods can leading to the rare (but bad) TTS blot clotting cases. We saw these risks showing up in one out of a few 100k vaccinations. Sources in the video description below

Recently a rare and novel complication of SARS-CoV-2 targeted adenovirus vaccines has emerged: thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS). TTS is characterized by low platelet counts, clot formation at unusual anatomic sites and platelet-activating PF4-polyanion antibodies reminiscent of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Here, we employ in vitro and in vivo models to characterize the possible mechanisms of this platelet-targeted autoimmunity. We show that intravenous but not intramuscular injection of ChAdOx1 nCov-19 triggers platelet-adenovirus aggregate formation and platelet activation. After intravenous injection, these aggregates are phagocytosed by macrophages in the spleen and platelet remnants are found in the marginal zone and follicles. This is followed by a pronounced B-cell response with the emergence of circulating antibodies binding to platelets. Our work contributes to the understanding of TTS and highlights accidental intravenous injection as potential mechanism for post-vaccination TTS. Hence, safe intramuscular injection, with aspiration prior to injection, could be a potential preventive measure when administering adenovirus-based vaccines.

In short, when you accidentally get your vaccine into one of your arm blood vessels instead of the arm muscle, you’re at risk for developing an auto-immune response that causes your body to attack the clotting factors in your blood, leading to clots and also low platelets.

The good news is that it’s super easy have the nurse check to see if any blood comes back into the needle before the final injection and avoid getting the vaccine into your blood rather than muscle. The bad news is that in many countries, this is no longer standard practice which may well account for these rare but bad side effects.

If you would be getting a AZN or JNJ viral vector vaccine, I would ask the health care worker to “aspirate” before doing the injection.