When will you allow yourself to be vaccinated?

agree with xerty,

this is somewhat “fake news”. we’ll all be better with herd immunity the right way thru vaccines. Even though this is a novel virus it’s not an alien virus, it should behave similar to other vaccines we’ve had. For some reason we’re throwing out th normal playbook.

Hope you’re right!! I have a hard time sifting through the noise… I find this thread and similar elsewhere to be very informative.

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More info on the suspicion of it being PEG behind the couple reactions.

Maybe they’ll figure out more definitively at some point, tough as it’s a rare reaction.

There’s good reason (all?) vaccines require hanging out for a few minutes after administration to monitor for allergic reactions.


I do my best to keep up with the virus issues here and appreciate the help of others posting updates as well. If there are other sources online you find useful, feel free to share them.

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TX and FL prioritizing the elderly, most likely to die, over younger essential workers. In MA and OH, prisoners and people in homeless shelters get it before the elderly. YMMV based on the “values” of your state’s politicians.

Col­orado has writ­ten a recog­ni­tion of sys­temic racism into its vac­ci­na­tion plan—though of­fi­cials have yet to ex­actly say what steps the state might take in re­sponse. Cal­i­for­nia’s plan lists racial and eth­nic mi­nor­ity groups among the “crit­i­cal pop­u­la­tion” that could re­ceive the vac­cine ahead of other groups.


I’ll go with TX & FL. But then again, I usually go with their side on most issues. :relaxed:


Thanks for the info… after reading this though I’m getting a bit more nervous:

Boston doctor has severe allergic reaction to Moderna COVID vaccine: NYT | Reuters

He has a shellfish allergy. I just think they don’t know what it is at this point.

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MRNA had their first allergic reaction too, where a guy with existing allergies used his epi-pen after starting to react directly after the shot. With about 6/300k reactions reported so far and none fatal, those are still fine odds to take the vaccine in a medical setting.

Backup link

Al­ler­gies to PEG are ex-tremely rare, al­ler­gists and im­mu­nol­o­gists say, and it is pos­si­ble that the few peo­ple who had re­ac­tions af­ter get­ting the Pfizer-Bio­N­Tech vac­cine re­acted to some­thing else. The com­pound is found in a range of prod­ucts, they say, such as cos­met­ics, foods and drugs. Some vac­cines also con­tain PEG-like com­pounds, they note. Some types of PEG are more likely to cause al­ler­gic re­ac­tions than oth­ers, sci­en­tists say.


Wow! I can understand MA, but the old postman’s son has really fallen off the log. I didn’t see anything in the article about Kashich’s reasoning. I presume it’s just “social” justice, but may be missing a scientific reason that’s obvious to everyone else.
ETA: Well, the times are passing me by. It appears the ol postman’s son is no longer CEO of Ohio.

Yes, obviously… the virus is most transmissible in the group living situation. Prisons and homeless shelters are the largest group living situations (care homes were also already addressed in first group)

So, are you saying that prisoners and residents of homeless shelters are not getting it before the elderly?

Or, that sending Covid-19 infectees to a group living situation would be bad … and that sending them to a group living situation of elderly (the most susceptible) is probably close to criminal or criminally insane?

No, there’s lots of elderly, it’s a large chunk of the overall population… Not all elderly are in care homes. The care homes are first.

I’m saying that group living situations (and even more those that are transient) are higher risks for transmission. That’s why care homes were in the first group (old/high mortality risk AND high transmission risk) along with healthcare workers. After that, it does likely make sense to vaccinate the other highest risk of transmission groups, which would include prisons and homeless shelters, over individual old people who can easily minimize contact and are at orders of magnitude lower risk of transmission.

Well, sure.

Not sure where you’re going with this. You’re complaining about trump administration guidance early on that told states to return patients to nursing homes? Or you’re just complaining about the “insane” states that followed the administration’s guidance?

People getting sick in nursing homes is a tough situation without an ideal resolution. They have other needs (than just medical treatment), and there is not really other places to care for them. Definitely is also a much worse situation with widespread virus in the community, as the workers in the care homes are not confined to live in the care homes and can always bring in an infection they acquired from outside. Too bad there was no federal competency to keep community transmission low.

I’m not disagreeing, mainly because I can’t currently get my head completely around the statistics of the big picture. However, I lean toward vaccinating the elderly over prisoners based on what I think are facts:

  1. The mortality rate of those over 60 seems orders of magnitude higher than younger infectees.
  2. Unless things have changed drastically in the last 4 years, inmates over the age of 60 can’t be more than 6 or 7 percent.

If following the group living situations idea, then along with prisons and homeless residences, we should add orphanages, the military, college dorms, homes for unwed mothers, etc. I’m sure there are lots more.

Also, just to be clear that this isn’t self-serving, I won’t be taking the vaccine anytime soon and definitely not before the minorities.

Thanks for making it obvious where you’re wanting to go with it. I’ll refrain, and ask you to do the same. I did not mention a politician or party. Nor did I imply one. If that’s what you want to stay with, I’ll happy drop it.


Of course we know where your heading!! Trump did it!!

Can’t blame the Gov of those states.

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One more benefit from getting vaccinated - your surgically enhanced lips/butt/breasts will be extra full-bodied from the immune system response and general inflammation around internal foreign objects triggered by these vaccines.


sorry, it’s facial fillers only :wink:


Chipmunks “R” Us.

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A relative in the UK received the Pfizer vaccine early last week. I didn’t ask why, but only the husband received the vaccine.

His side effects have been, in order of onset, significant weakness, some joint pain, and major stomach discomfort. The weakness has abated almost completely and the increased joint pain has disappeared. The stomach issues, while less severe, continue.

To him, the above are an acceptable cost for “peace of mind”.


Butt, @xerty was so hopeful…


I have to wonder how much of that is psychological. Unless we continue to roll out placebos to a control group (essentially lying to people about being vaccinated), it’ll be hard to prove either way.