When will you allow yourself to be vaccinated?

Moderna’s kid vaccine results were good enough, unlike Pfizer’s, that they’re starting their EUA approval process.

The EUA submission for children ages 6 months to under 6 years will be complete next week. Moderna is also currently studying booster doses for all pediatric cohorts.

Mind you this was based on antibody levels and / or symptoms, but none of kids in the vax nor placebo groups got hospitalized or severe disease, it’s hard to judge how much benefit we’re looking at here at least for the general population.

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Hard to judge the benefit in general. Let alone a benefit worthy of emergency approval.

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But it’s proven safe!

Note: The J&J vaccine underwent the same quasi-approval process as the other vaccines. Thinking that another shoe may also drop regarding the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine isnt misinformation or denial, it’s rather straightforward common sense.

Note#2: I doubt this is about safety, so much as it is about Pfizer buying (in some way, shape, or form) more preferential treatment. Less access to J&J means more victims customers for the preferred high-tech vaccines.


How much more preferential treatment do they need? Like a gangster or politician (no, it’s not 100% redundant), they want …

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When the vaccine mandate for health care workers was promulgated to be effective Oct. 1, 2021, Skoly had the temerity to consult his personal physician and study the medical literature. He was a survivor of Bell’s Palsy facial paralysis, and the medical advice, consistent with medical literature, was to not risk vaccination. Bell’s Palsy paralysis is dormant in your body, and vaccination may incite a reoccurrence.

Prior to the Oct. 1, 2021, effective date of the vaccine mandate, Skoly explained to a reporter why, for medical reasons, he could not be vaccinated.

Immediately, the press branded him as “defiant,” and the Rhode Island Department of Health suspended him from practice. As it exempted over 300 other health care workers from vaccination, so long as they were N95 masked, the State continued to refuse to treat Skoly the same—to allow him to practice his livelihood while N95 masked.

Skoly sued, as is still one’s right in Rhode Island. A hearing was scheduled for mid-March 2022.

Three days before the hearing, Rhode Island altered its policy. The new COVID-19 safety rule required health care workers to be vaccinated or N95 masked in the presence of patients. The court hearing was adjourned as unnecessary.

Rhode Island stated, in writing, that it would be irrational to treat the vaccinated and N95 masked workers differently—just as Skoly had been arguing since October 2021

On March 11, 2022, the state permitted Skoly to put up his “open for business” sign.


Hmm … Now where did I put that Johnny Rocco clip. They just want more. :smile:



noun: munificence ; plural noun: munificences

  1. the quality or action of being lavishly generous; great generosity.

“we must be thankful for his munificence”


PFE’s 0-5 year old kids vaccine wasn’t good enough with 2 doses, but with 3 (add one booster of the same dose), they’re claiming 80% efficacy against symptoms and hope to get their EUA next month.


They haven’t put the whole data / results out, but I’ll bet none of the kids in either arm of the trial were actually hospitalized.

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NVAX’s protein-based vaccine (rather than mRNA based one) still showed side effects with elevated heart inflammation related issues.


In the company’s nearly 30,000 patient trial, conducted between December 2020 and September 2021, there were four cases of myocarditis, a type of heart inflammation also associated with mRNA vaccines, detected within 20 days post vaccination. One patient in the trial reported myocarditis after receiving placebo.

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darn this (with flu combo??) was going to be my go to for the winter. N=4 is pretty low though and might be non aspiration/operator error related though. I wish they’d video these being delivered to check…

So myocarditis is caused by the a needle penetrating the skin? They should have another trial where patients are given placebo by mouth, see how many of them develop myocarditis :rofl:. And another by suppository, just for fun science control group.


You say fun …

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NVAX approved 21-0 by the FDA (1 abstain), for adult covid vaccine.


I guess the FDA vaccine advisory vote isn’t 100% FDA approved yet, but seems like a formality at this point.

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CJD is a really big deal. It’s not how I want to die. Thank you for posting.

Considering the important people making money thanks to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, I doubt we will hear much about this.

Instead of offering them an email address as requested, I was able to read the article after first turning off javascript.

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YW. Yes the only way i know to share ET articles. Glad turning off JS worked.

I hope CJD is only with mRNA vax and not a long term effect

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The “reader view” also works for those articles.


Vax for kids approved



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More $$$$ for Pfizer and Moderna shareholders . . . . including those who approved this move for kids.

Wish I could vote to make my stock holdings more valuable. Not gonna happen any time soon.

Next? Most likely: yearly boosters for everyone!! :crazy_face:

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Yearly is better than every 5 months. Though at this point vaccinations have slowed to a trickle, so I don’t see much money being made.