Who will join POTUS nominee Biden on the Democrat ticket as VP?

Kindly resist the urge to drive this thread off topic. Thanks

Your criticism of Trump is fine . . . . but not here.

There was nothing “anti-Trump” in my post. It was exactly what Trump said. Neither did I say anything about them. If one labels quotes from Trump “anti-Trump” then you are saying Trump is anti-Trump.

Facts are anti-Trump. Ban facts! Why are you intolerant towards alternative facts?

Biden was clear yesterday he is running because he is “not Trump”, and our country is at risk with four more years of lawlessness. That’s the platform. (Response to a “Gotcha” question about polling showing a larger cohort supports Biden because he’s not Trump than because he’s Biden). So it is about Biden, really. Maybe not as much about his VP choice, though… But VP should similarly be someone who is not a threat to the soul of the nation (and must be someone who falls under the “not Trump” category). Otherwise his campaign will be in trouble.


This is a Democrat thread, and exists solely for posts relating to Democrat politics and Democrat matters. No posts having anything to do with Trump are on topic here. Such posts belong on the election thread, where they are completely on topic. Please be respectful this. Thank you.

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A remarkable development today regarding our topic here:

In my view Vice President Biden’s most important campaign development so far will come with the announcement of his VP choice. It’s a big deal for the campaign and a big deal for our country. It is something Biden’s campaign surely does not want to FUBAR . . . . and I do not believe they did that. But the announcement, it would now appear, might have become FUBAR regardless due to error elsewhere.

Apparently the Vice President’s choice was released early to Politico, but embargoed until first of August. This was not an error. Such as this allows Politico, and other trusted media, to prepare their articles in advance so there can be instant release following the Vice President’s Saturday announcement.

It now appears Politico messed up and released their article, naming Kamala, early. The piece was later taken down, but of course the damage already had been done.

We will know more Saturday. If Kamala indeed is the Vice President’s choice, the above appears likely. If another VP candidate is named instead, then it is possible Politico was preparing multiple pieces covering the field, and one just happened to slip out through accident.

In any event, this sort of screw up is not the sort of thing any campaign welcomes. Vice President Biden’s announcement is a moment of drama for everyone, and it is not good that it potentially has been watered down through, most likely, no fault of his campaign,

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Or they’re being good reporters, and preparing articles for all the top possibilities. Kind of like when someone important/famous dies, they dont spit out those lengthy biographies on demand. And occasionally one of those articles accidentally gets posted, too.

Whether she’s the choice or not does not affect the likelihood they have numerous articles ready to post. Now if the article announced Oprah as his VP, and it turns out Oprah is his VP choice, you could assume they got tipped off in advance. But Harris is one of the front runners, and they’d have those articles written about her with or without any advance notice.


These guys agree:

Uh, now look. I agree that Joseph Biden might name any of them as his VP candidate, but for that matter, you can just go through the white pages. The thread creator has asked us not to pick on Joe, so I will not comment on the odds that he will name one of them.

Generally, good reporters don’t publish/report/release stories before they are true. At least that was partially how they were judged many moons ago.

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Yesterday, we found out Biden wants to stop all carbon emissions by 2:30. That’s less than six hours from the time of this post.

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Yeah, but accidents happen. It’s an execution problem. And it’s likely more a problem with the publisher accidentally queuing it up, not the reporter submitting it incorrectly.

Regardless, yes, I did cringe a bit as I typed “good reporter”…

There is dissention in the ranks of the Biden campaign. Some of his backers do NOT want Kamala as VP. I have to agree with these folks. Kamala is very ambitious and I doubt she would welcome an eight year wait. I think Susan Rice would be a better choice:

Some Biden allies wage a shadow campaign to stop Kamala Harris from becoming vice president


Vice President Biden’s dad passed at 86. His mom passed at 92.

Many people, possibly including Kamala, think Mr. Biden if elected will last only a single term. Maybe. But what if his health holds? He just might have the genes for a longer POTUS run, a second term!!

Where does that leave Kamala? Is she really up for an eight year VP stint?

With advancements in healthcare and the kinds of VIP treatment our top public officials have access to, he could live decades longer than his parents.

Things happen when you age. You can forget who you’re talking to or who you’re talking about.

Like this elderly fellow, age 74, who gets names wrong, sometimes even when reading them from a teleprompter:


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Yeah, can you believe he looked at that guy in the wheelchair and told him to stand up? Talk about the power of positive thinking … or maybe he’s a snake-oil salesman … or senile.

The process of choosing a VP remains ongoing. This is from the Houston Chronicle:

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden has extended his vice-presidential search by as much as two weeks, intensifying the jockeying and lobbying between allies of the women who hope to join his White House. Even some longtime Biden allies worry that the process has become “messier than it should be,” pitting women, especially Black women, against one another.

The dynamic threatens to undermine Biden’s effort to use the vice-presidential search to spotlight some of the party’s brightest female stars during the highly public vetting process. And it’s already providing President Donald Trump’s campaign an opening to dig up dirt and launch attacks on potential rivals.

“It’s been relentless. It’s been unfortunate. But I must say it’s been predictable,” said Donna Brazile, a former interim chair of the Democratic National Committee. “It’s extremely disappointing, because many of these attacks . . . are being made by Democratic men who should know better.”

“I would hope that in this selection process, we are mindful that Black women - and women of color - deserve respect,” she added.

Donna Brazile, appearing yesterday as a Fox News Sunday panelist, was asked to say who was her VP choice. She flatly refused to answer the question, even as the other two panelists did answer.

But Ms. Brazile’s response was nevertheless interesting. She said any woman Vice President Biden chose would be an excellent choice, provided however that he choose a black woman.

There is not a dull moment in this life.

Sad to see that what matters isn’t your experience or your previous political service record. What matters is the color of your skin.
May you live in interesting times!


I totally agree there. The “just pick whoever as long as they’re a black woman” sounds completely amateurish and/or irresponsible for potential VP position.

Hopefully her answer was assuming that Biden would have carefully vetted all potential VPs enough that any he’d choose would be fine. But her answer was hinting more at placating some voters just enough to make sure they get the votes and who cares after that.

Seems the order of the day in our times though. Appearance before substance definitely. Could analyze a lot of VP choices in the last few elections and wonder if the VP was chosen because of being the best person for the job or just to appeal to a portion of the electorate the main candidate has trouble securing the votes of. Palin being the poster child for that IMO. McCain was very white, very old and looking very traditional at the time when tea party had become a thing. My impression was that she was picked not on her strong political record but because she was more or less everything that McCain was not. The fact that it did not work should probably be noted by the Biden campaign if they want to decide only on similar criteria. The chance that they would learn from it however are IMO minimal to none.


just do not understand the "Biden will get black votes"movement. What has he done in 45 years at least of public service for blacks/gays etc? I do not remember seeing a Joe Biden civil rights bill/ a Joe Biden pro busing bill/ a Joe Biden anti crime bill for blacks living in fear in their own neighborhoods. So what compelling reason would black people vote for him? His past will come to haunt him when this campaign starts. He seemed to keep black folks “down” in Delaware while a senator. No help from him at all. And as VP…did nothing to help them…But he did support the Iranian nuclear program so they can attack us in a few years, and israel too!.

IIRC (that means “f I Recall Correctly” for our local abbreviations police), it was Biden who moved the flag pole on marriage equality while VP. He said something that nobody said before him, setting off a controversy that eventually shifted Obama’s official position.

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