Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts

Popular Direct Savings was 4.26% now 4.40%
The Atlantic Federal Credit Union MM(via SaveBetter) was 4.25% now 4.40%


I just signed up. It was easy.


Marcus now 3.75% APY


State Exchange Bank Savings(via SaveBetter) was 4.20% now 4.35%
Discover AAII Savings was 3.35% now 3.45%
Discover Savings was 3.30% now 3.40%


My Primis statement cycled last night (presumably for everyone?) It was nice to see what 5% interest looks like again, even if it was only for a half-month.


It’s strange they pay in the middle of the month. I have a CD with Alliant that also paid on 2-14.

I deposited $83.70 in Primis on the 10th and got .06 interest. although they withdrew the funds from the wrong account.

When linking to Alliant, Primis gives a choice of Checking, Savings, or Supplemental Savings. I checked Supplemental but it made the withdrawal from regular savings.

This is why I started with a small amount, to make sure it functions properly.

I have never spoken to anyone at Primis nor received replies to calls, emails, or messages. It’s working, but I need certainty about which account they withdraw from.

Bread Financial(Comenity Capital Bank) Savings was 4.00% now 4.25%
Prime Alliance Bank Savings was 3.65% now 4.05%

Primis Bank Checking and Saving Accounts both dropped from 5.03% to 4.35% - did not last long!


That was a quick bait-and-switch. Hope y’all didn’t get a whiplash :wink:

4.35 is still near the top, so it could have been worse. Nothing beats T-Bills right now though.


Unbelievable!! And I have been feeling like a dope for not joining Primus @ 5% savings.

So my Northern Bank is still paying 4.35% Savings. I’m Feeling :relieved: good…

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Looks like anyone who already opened with the 5.03% rate will keep it…at least for time being.

[10:27:32pm] Helen:
Thank you for chatting with Primis, my name is Helen. How may I help you today?
[10:28:19pm] You
Hi Helen. I saw the rate for the checking account dropped from 5.03% to 4.35%. Is this for existing customers as well as new customers?
[10:28:25pm] Helen:
[10:28:51pm] You
So existing customers will continue to earn 5.03%?
[10:28:55pm] Helen:


They better be paying Helen well… the Doctor of Credit folks all seem to be ready with pitchforks and torches and Helen seems to be getting a workout on the chat line.

Rolling 4-week t-bills is the smart move right now, I agree.


Primis now has the distinction of being the only bank to lower their interest rate recently. I might leave my $83.70 there, though. Any banks that are reliably paying 4.35%?


Primis only has the account info you give them. It’s on Alliant to decide what account that info matches with.

The only thing to do is what you did - try it. Once you’ve seen the results, you can be fairly certain that will be the result every subsequent time.

4.35% is right in the middle of the leaderboard. No bank is any more reliable than any other as far as maintaining that rate.


For what it’s worth, my account details do still list 5.03% as the APY. But as well all know, often that number is the ‘as of the last statement’ rate, not the current real-time rate.

Edit: Emails have gone out stating that existing accounts remain at the 5% rate. The decrease is only for new accounts, at least for now.


With a holiday this Monday, there’s an opportunity to earn double interest for 4 days over the weekend.

With Primis’s $30k per day transaction cap the benefit is minimal, but if you were going to deposit more money anyways, today is a good day to do it.


From Primis:

"You were one of the first - and you deserve the best.

Thanks for being one of the first customers to take advantage of our Primis Savings. You’re earning the top-notch annual percentage yield (APY) of 5.03% and we’re glad you’re here.

Soon, you may see on our website that our APY is changing to 4.35%. This will not apply to you. As an early adopter of our digital platform, you will continue to earn 5.03% APY. While our rates are always subject to change, we want to currently hold your rate at the highest level possible.

Congratulations on being a banking trailblazer. Our goal is to continue to impress you and create a long-standing relationship.

Thank you,
Your Primis Team"


I pulled $50k into Primis today without issue.

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wow Great CS. Wonder how long they’ll keep this up? Unless they’re betting 5% fed rate soon


got the same… Applied 2/2/23. Still checking whether to give me an acct!!!

CFG Bank MM was 4.45% now 4.55%
SFGI Direct Savings was 3.51% now 3.81%