The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 2)

What do you think of the FBI arrest of Roger Stone for a nonviolent crime in the pre-dawn hours filmed by CNN after a leak from the FBI? They are obviously political storm troopers and have not earned the benefit of the doubt.
Or how they cuffed and shackled Trump advisor Peter Navarro for some dispute with the J6 committee?

First, I appreciate your support. I do have a tiny quibble with the above, or at least I want to state a clarification even though I’m betting we are on the same page:

Most of the rank and file FBI folks deserve no blame for any of this. It’s instead the higher ups, including Garland and Wray, and in particular people like Thibault (now finally gone) and Auten, who inexplicably still is employed by the FBI.

Don’t forget the guilty political agents at the top of the FBI were exposed thanks mainly to whistleblowers at the lower levels. And lower level FBI agents, with families to support, have no choice except to follow orders from the political scum at the top, else they would be fired and have no income.

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Yes, we do disagree on that point. No one forced the agents who arrested Navarro to cuff and shackle him. No one forced the agents who raided Roger Stone‘s house in predawn hours to force him to go out on the lawn in his pajamas under the glare of CNN cameras.

We dont really disagree, either. Just that your finger, in this particular case, should be pointed at the anonymous tipster for any potential political motivations. Not the FBI for investigating said tip. They were just doing their job.

Of course, the “tip” could’ve been made up. But this lady is a nobody with no reason to be targeted over anyone else with a Trump sign in their yard - if the powers that be decided she warranted being harassed, then there are hundreds of thousands of others across the nation being harassed in the same way. Yet this is the only reported instance (the only instance involving a random nobody, we all know there are instances involving public figures and organizations).

Now you are equating a random nobody to a nationally known political consultant with close ties to Trump?

I highlighted the key part… Again, not a random nobody.

So you are using 2 examples to indict the integrity of 8,000 agents? Shinobi said most, not all, and your disagreement does nothing to dispute that. Either of those examples involved maybe a dozen agents each, but was likely instigated by only one - the supervisory special agent who [for whatever reason] made the call to handle it that way (and even they may have just been following orders). It’s quite a stretch to use that to declare over 7,500 other agents dirty.

Agreed, but:

It’s impossible for us outsiders to know how “hand picked” these lower level agents might have been in relatively small numbers of politically charged cases. I mean:

The men at the top of the FBI, the ones Trump will “Schedule F” should he regain power, might have some allies at the lower levels; not a large number, of course.

The dirty, as you called them, top agents hate Trump and want to use their power to harm him in any way imaginable. For example, setting aside (not that we can) the storm trooper tactics, think about all the leaks from the so-called “Department of Justice”. I’m including recent ones and leaks that happened while Trump was in office. Heck, the Justice Department must have T1 line connections both to the WaPo and to the NY Times. :rofl:

Talk about “twisted” pairs! :crazy_face:

Anyway, enough with the jokes. You get the idea.

Oh, yeah, I nearly forgot:

Hows about early in 2017 when so many of Trump’s telephone conversations with foreign leaders were leaked verbatim to the press? That was just another example of the deep state weaponizing its power against a political enemy. They didn’t care that Trump was a legitimately elected POTUS - he was not their POTUS.

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That defense was tried at Nuremberg and did not fly.

Your claim is that the FBI is not corrupt except in the case of people close to President Trump. How far down does that go? The original case implies that simply supporting President Trump in local politics is enough to bring on the corrupt FBI.

No, my claim is that the FBI knocking on the door of some random nobody to ask her a couple questions and then leave is not an act of political retribution. Period.

Of course it is. Imagine if you are on the receiving end of these armed storm troopers visit. It would certainly have a chilling effect on your political expression. And it’s clear that is their purpose. It is similar to investigating parents who speak up at school board meetings. The FBI wants to make it clear to political opponents that they can and will use force against them.

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Diversity is not NYC’ s strength after all. They’re bussing away the TX illegals and sending them to FL.

We could solve all this by securing the border, but that’s crazy talk. I even heard that Racist President was building some of the walls his predecessor started.

First of all, I wouldn’t characterize a couple agents knocking at my door as “armed storm troopers”. Busting through my door with guns drawn, sure, but that’s not what they did - they knocked politely, then waited patiently while she got dressed before asking their questions. And once their inquiry was shown to be incorrect, they left.

Second, I have had this happen to me both in a parking lot and in a store. So I dont need to imagine anything. They asked their questions, I answered, they went on their way. And yes, they were armed because virtually every agent or officer on the job is armed.

Did this lady even insinuate that they interrogated her over her Trump support? Or any comment or tangent at all other than whether she was at the Capital that day? She is only a victim of political retribution because she (and apparently you) want her to be a victim of political retribution so there’s something to complain about.

New York City officials claim that many of the migrants who are being bused from Texas did not want to go to New York

They’re bussing away the TX illegals and sending them to FL.

It’s pretty sad when even the illegals want to get out of NY.


Word on the street is if Hochul wins on eighth of November another three million residents of NY State will leave.

I love NY. Was born there. Completed my undergrad studies there. Had close relatives there. It used to be a wonderful, magical place, at least to me, in the 1940’s and 1950’s.

That was then. This is now. The Democrats today have the state by the throat and are crushing the life out of it. It’s no wonder smart people are leaving in droves. My best counsel regarding NY State residence:

Run like hell and stay away. Stay far, far away.

The good news about NY State:

Bad as it is, Illinois and California are worse . . . . in my opinion.

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Buying a gun? It might be too late.

Most participants here know what an MCC is. If you do not:

News here is creation of a NEW MCC for gun stores. So when you make a gun store purchase now it’ll be much easier to track your activity:

Seems to me there is a straightforward way to circumvent this sort of intrusive oversight. When you purchase your gun

Pay with cash! :wink:

Required concession:

I concede the average American bloke on the street, who cannot even name the three branches of government, has certainly never heard of an MCC and will have no clue he, or she, is being monitored.


I’m thinking that the primary motivation is for the credit card companies to be able to sell targeted marking lists, and probably to allow them to charge higher interchange fees for the “risky” business activity. But you are 100% correct that, while it’s not immediate, this is setting up the ability to track/monitor activity for non-financial reasons.

I did not say that they burst through the door with guns drawn. But they scared the hell out of her and that certainly has a chilling effect on her political expression.

What about the parents who are investigated by the FBI for speaking up at school board meetings? This, if anything really happened at a meeting, would be a matter for local law-enforcement. The fact that FBI is getting involved indicates to me that they are being used by the Administration to silence political opposition.

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Her reaction does not inform their intentions.

Had she instead answered the door naked and tried to seduce those agents, would you be claiming they only knocked on her door to get a little nookie?

Agreed. And lest anyone forget:

Garland’s son-in-law’s business is selling to school districts nationwide materials relating to woke priorities. It’s a multi-million dollar business.

Garland was, in effect, raiding the homes of parents who (taken as an ensemble) would be detrimental to his son-in-law’s business.

You can bet your ass Garland shares those same woke priorities. And flexing his muscle to raid homes of Americans who don’t is his version of “doing good”.

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Latest busses are dropping them off at Kamala “The Border is Secure” Harris’s house.

With a few flights to Martha’s Vineyard in MA near Obama’s mansion.

Maybe it’s just me, but I think politics needs more of this kind of stuff. And less petty bickering and posturing.