The 2020 USA POTUS election politics, the civil war, and the world war (Part 2)

I agree with this position wholeheartedly. However, this idea doesn’t apply to Trump. He doesn’t make any effort to have a positive relationship with, or even accept the people he detests. That is why he deliberately antagonized some of our allies, and some of our rivals.


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Sure, as long as you ingore the fact he was commenting on the strategy, not Putin. You can scream “INVASION!” all you want, but at this point he hasnt done anything that we havent done ourselves countless times in history.

It is almost as genius as using a pandemic to unilaterally relax voting regulation without the pesky hassle of having to legislate new voting regulations…


Mandatory cake baking requirements to be taken up by the Supreme Court next year.

The court has yet to rule squarely as to whose rights—the LGBT community’s or religious conservatives’—must yield when they directly conflict. The Colorado case granted Tuesday, to be argued in the court’s next term and likely decided by June 2023, suggests the justices may be ready to address that issue.

Tuesday’s order phrased the question before the court as “whether applying a public-accommodation law to compel an artist to speak or stay silent violates the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment.”

From the progressive racists at the Washington Post, comments on Supreme Court Justice Uncle Thomas.

“A previous version of this story imprecisely referred to Justice Clarence Thomas’s opinions as often reflecting the thinking of White conservatives, rather than conservatives broadly. That reference has been removed .

The most recent version of the Post’s article refers to Thomas simply as “the Black conservative justice.”

In this spirit, assuming Biden follows through as expected with his planned appointment of a black woman to the Supreme Court, I will refer to them as “The Affirmative Action Justice” and quote court rulings ala “6-2 against, with the Affirmative Action Justice also dissenting”.

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Here’s another one

I guess we’re just supposed to ignore the fact the Trump didn’t side with anyone. He only “sided with Putin” if you had already decided he was siding with Putin no matter what he said. Trump’s comments - as this article even quotes - are quite clearly saying that Putin is running circles around the rest of the world, while implying that we have no one leading us who is smart enough to stop him. I know Americans are suppose to consider it an unforgivable sin to acknowledge that we are getting our asses handed to us, but that’s exactly what’s happening right now strategically - and Trump was calling out Biden for being overmatched and outmaneuvered.


Along those lines,



That’s tomorrow, so I guess maybe from all the cyber attacks today, they’re going to invade tonight and let the EU wonder what they might have done differently after it’s all over but for the shouting? Biden said some stuff about sanctioning their pipeline company and that was about it for today.

The bride: “He was a kind gentle soul”
His 2006 felony case:

The 911 call:

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You know, I lived through the entirety of the cold war, from before the start right through to the finish. Been there, done that.

It was not a great experience. Was so happy President Reagan was finally able to defeat the Soviet Union without firing a shot. He was a genius!!

Now along comes this incompetent Biden clown making a mockery of everything President Reagan accomplished. What a waste! Things didn’t have to be this way, if only Biden had been defeated back in 2020.

It could not be more clear than it is right now. Straight up, anyone who voted for Biden is a jackass.

Prosecutors of Trump in NY probe RESIGN!

Did they realize the charges against President Trump are not going to stick?


With Biden making a fool of himself, did they not want to mess with Trump’s 2024 POTUS chances?

Two Manhattan prosecutors leading Trump Organization probe resign


Regardless the reason for this, rest assured the Trump haters are tearing their hair out about now. :rofl:

Under cover of Ukraine, woke Biden ends China initiative fearing accusations of bias.

If Trump did it, it must be wrong. Right, Joe?

Wokeism, to Biden, is much more important than national security and American well being.

Biden DOJ ending national security initiative aimed at countering China amid complaints about bias

Joe Biden: Soft on China

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This attitude from democrats is exactly what Trump ran on in 2016. Instead of attacking the republicans they were running against, Obama and Clinton attacked republican voters (remember bitter clingers and deplorables?). If you hated it from them, and I know you did, why are you now doing it yourself to democrat voters?


War drums. Looks like tonight. (Couldn’t post to the other thread)

I’m short RSX for the expected invasion tonight.

“The UN will pass a resolution against Israel in response to Russia’s invasion.”

long RSX for the weak response.

Kerry - US democratic leadership on Russia

meanwhile, in Germany a more practical approach.

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I am so deeply and profoundly saddened about Ukraine The situation there reminds me of Hungary in 1956 when the Soviet tanks rolled in, extinguishing incipient freedom and liberty.

Whenever freedom and liberty are lost anywhere, inevitably those essentials are diminished everywhere. It is a bad time for the world. And my concerns regarding Taiwan have increased markedly.


As the inevitability of Tuesday’s SOTU slowly closes in on Biden, one wonders whether he will be able to summon the cajones to stand up there. Thank goodness he will have his teleprompter as a desperately needed prop. And of course many of his Democrats will remain supportive. But on the other side these things surface:

Asked about the status of Taiwan yesterday the President was unable to offer even a comment. He was unprepared for the question!!

Then we have the following which was written by Josh Hammer and appears in Newsweek:

It is difficult, perhaps impossible, to overstate the utterly pathetic nature of the Biden presidency thus far. To merely call him feckless or incompetent would be insufficient. Some on the Right like to ask if a conservative politician “knows what time it is,” proverbially speaking, but the doddering dolt who is America’s commander-in-chief likely does not even know what year it is. His presidency is a disgraceful exercise in how to do everything wrong: the highest inflation in decades, out-of-control spending, supply chain crises and mass product shortages, a humiliating and botched Afghanistan withdrawal and the terrorist Iranian regime racing toward a nuclear weapon. Biden’s is the “Murphy’s law” presidency—anything that can go wrong has indeed gone wrong.

One readily imagines Chinese President Xi Jinping fondly looking out over the Taiwan Strait, salivating over the prospect of reunifying the Republic of China with the People’s Republic of China. Who will stop him? Surely not the senile leader of a political party that counts the promotion of transgender rights and the dissemination of the civilizational arson that is critical race theory as its seemingly highest political priorities.


As you’re aware, it is customary following a SOTU for the opposing party to be offered air time for a response. This year Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds will be the speaker. She is a bland choice at best and I do not expect much. The Republicans could have chosen Kristi Noem instead. But they lack the courage and intelligence needed for that selection. Even Kay Ivey would have been my pick over Reynolds. But no, the Republicans are seeking only to fill air time, not make a statement or seriously counter Biden. So typical.

The more titillating news is that the far left radical DEMOCRATS will also be offering a speaker to respond to Biden!! I’m not kidding. Rashida Talib will be speaking following Biden, who ostensibly is a member of her own political party.

So will Talib get air time? I dunno. Stay tuned.


Biden: I’m desperate!! Get me the hell out of this!!

Biden’s SCOTUS nominee announcement today is a “hail Mary” attempt to change the subject away from his Ukraine fiasco, and his wildly belated and inadequate Russia sanctions, before the weekend news cycle. The attempt is likely to succeed only because the wholly controlled Democrat Praetorian guard USA mainstream media will surely cooperate.

One wonders how much powder Biden has kept dry, and in reserve, for Taiwan. Right now the Reds are waiting to see how Putin does in Ukraine, how things evolve there. But it’s the calm before the storm. And with Taiwan Biden will not have his NATO collaborators around to prop him up. We will have Australia I think. I’m honestly not certain about New Zealand, they are so far to the left. Maybe Japan will be there for Biden. I dunno.

However with Taiwan it will be mostly our seventh fleet doing the deterrence and heavy lifting. Will Biden even have the cajones to commit them? And it’s a naval force to boot. There are no American ground troops to help out; some Marines maybe, but not in the thousands like with NATO.

Yesterday Biden was unable to comment on Taiwan. Has he even given thought to all this stuff? To the extent he remains able to think about anything, I mean. Thank God for the Taiwan Strait.


I watched Judge Jackson’s speech today which came in response to her nomination to the SCOTUS. She is a well spoken and likeable person. It is also a good thing, in my view, that she is a mom, which is more than can be said for Sotomayor and Kagen.

I doubt I will agree with any of Jackson’s votes on the court. That’s no shock me being a Conservative.

And I don’t like that she attended Harvard. I have the same criticism for Trump’s nominees who are Ivy League people. It’s a big country and Ivy League grads are no better than those from other fine institutions of higher learning nationwide. The overwhelming Northeast and NYC views on the Court are not a good thing at all.

But bottom line I think Judge Jackson will be a good Court member, on the liberal side of course.

That is really pathetic. As you mentioned there ae so many more better choices. How about Winsome Sears, the lieutenant governor of Virginia? I’ve heard her speak and she’s a great speaker. inspirational life story also.

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Oh my goodness, you’re right. I didn’t think of Winsome Sears. But she would have been PERFECT!!

Republicans are such consummate losers.

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