The 2022 election politics

Any crazy website can throw in quotes from reputable news sources into their content. I’m not spending my time delving into the Gateway Pundit just like I’m not spending my time reading the White Patriot from the KKK. I really don’t care who these websites quote in their articles. Fragile Deal itself has gone down a rabbit hole with extremism relating to politics but Gateway Pundit articles take us to a very new low!

So you are another one who is declaring something to be false based on where you happen to see it, rather than based on if it is actually false or not?

This article’s entire content is those quotes. To laugh off this article as being fake is to laugh off those reputable sources as fake.


Hahahahaha sure buddy whatever you say. I guess everyone can find you in your hole reading the White Patriot, Gateway Pundit, Daily Stormer, InfoWars clinging to the idea that if they quote PBS in an article, it’s a legit, valid, and wonderful source of truth.

To be fair, the reality of this November’s rapidly approaching election is becoming manifest for liberals . . . including the many at NBC News and NPR. And they are, with excellent basis, becoming seriously concerned.

Bottom line, it is not necessarily safe for committed liberals to read NBC News or NPR right now. This given that so many libs are not in the least interested in reading views which don’t support their preconceived notions.

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So once again, the truth is determined by who publishes it, not by if it’s actually true. (And stooping to petty personal insults instead of rebutting the comment that was made only drives this home further.)


If the KKK publishes something, it sounds like you read it and then determine what value to place on it based on the content and who they quote. If the KKK publishes something, you can be damn sure, I won’t read it. 2022 and this is where we are :man_facepalming:

as a leftist fascist, you will also try to make sure no one else can read it


Hey read what you want. I’m a libertarian. Doesn’t change that the White nationalist and Nazi media is sick just cause you like it.

Troll alert!

Obvious troll spotted on this thread. Don’t lose your minds.

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First, who’s placing any value on it? It’s either fact or fiction. There were no subjective opinions involved (aside from what I noted in the first sentence of my first response to this).

Second, yes, that is what I do. Although most of what I read is what’s curated for me by Google and fragiledeal and a little MSN. Conversely, it sounds like you look at the publisher and determine if the information is true or not based on that, without ever actually reading the info you are passing judgement on.

When determining if information is true or fake, I will always always always base that determination on the validity of the information over the general reputation of the publisher. That’s what every reasonable person should do, unless they have a preconceived bias that they just want to be indulged and don’t want to risk being invalidated.


You do remember that the topic is about Sarah Palin running for an open House seat, right?


I bet the White Patriot rag just drools over her.


I’m impressed that you can spell copy and paste libertarian. I’ve seen some of your posts and don’t meant to demean you, but your responses to @glitch99 seem, at best, juvenile. There is a huge difference between libertarian and moron. Trust me.


Wow! I no longer consider myself pickled after a pint … because even I’m not that nuts. :laughing:

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So glad you’re still here spewing nonsense. I wasn’t sure if anyone from this board had been arrested in Idaho over the weekend.

Totally understand now. The crayons and paper are in the corner. Go back to coloring. We’ll hang your pictures on our refrigerators.

Apologies to all and specifically you. I won’t delete the post, but wish I could. Someone my age should know not to mix painkillers and bourbon.

It has begun!

And we can thank (and I do) Hispanic Americans for their overflowing good sense.

This is NOT a primary. This is the real deal.

The Republican, Flores, defeated a Democrat in a region of Texas which last went Republican in 1871.

Natch: Biden won this district in 2020. But no longer.

And this is only the start. November is coming. And the Biden woketards are in for the thrashing of their political lives all across this great country, INCLUDING in historically Democrat venues like this one!

It’s about time!!


Ask a question and get your answer


As we move headlong toward the November 2022 elections . . . .

History repeats!

First, today as Biden proclaims:

OK, “really, really down”. That’s darn close to being right out of the Jimmy Carter playbook looking back forty some odd years:

Carter’s approval rating back then stood at thirty percent. Sound familiar?

What is WRONG with these Democrats!!

They are all a bunch of consummate losers . . . . . .

. . . . . as I hope we shall see confirmed come November.

If only we could then vote Biden out, as happened to Carter in 1980.