When will you allow yourself to be vaccinated?

Allow? Did I actually write “allow” in the thread title?

Well, I thankfully do not live in LA. There kids are being vaccinated without parental consent!

You doubt me? Read this:

LA mother says son was vaccinated in exchange for pizza without parental consent

Typical California, where the government always knows better. :stuck_out_tongue:


More hypothesis that had been repeatedly shot down up to this point. Natural immunity exposes your body to the entire virus, so in the event of mutation there are still parts that it can recognize for a quicker reaction. But if the one particle you’re exposed to with the vaccine is what mutates, then your body sees it as essentially a brand new virus and it starts from scratch.

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And here it says 3rd dose is the charm against O!


Backup link.

ETA: I see you posted this already in another thread - my bad.

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I’m not sure I understand how more of the same thing will produce a different response. Seems a lot like insanity, doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

Is the idea that 3 shots convinces your body that there is more of an ongoing threat, which prompts it to not only produce the antibodies needed to defeat the spike protein, but also shotgun a bigger spectrum of slightly different solutions to proactively flank the virus going forward? And while the primary response doesnt help with the new variant, something on that spectrum is close enough? That’s the only theory that makes logical sense to me.


Fauci planning to get a bigger PFE paycheck.



Next, we’ll hear about “your body, your choice - abortion or hotshot?” :innocent:

Long covid reduced in vaccinated people by a large amount. Also reduced by a lesser amount if, within 1-2 months of getting covid with no prior vaccination, you then get a vaccine.


This analysis revealed that patients who received at least one dose of any of the three COVID vaccines prior to their diagnosis with COVID-19 were 7-10 times less likely to report two or more long-COVID symptoms compared to unvaccinated patients. Furthermore, unvaccinated patients who received their first COVID-19 vaccination within four weeks of SARS-CoV-2 infection were 4-6 times less likely to report multiple long-COVID symptoms, and those who received their first dose 4-8 weeks after diagnosis were 3 times less likely to report multiple long-COVID symptoms compared to those who remained unvaccinated.


Why bother with a fake vaccination card, when you can just pay someone to pretend to be you and get authentic (and verifiable) documentation…

I don’t understand the “unbelievably selfish” comments? He was [almost literally] taking one for the team, the opposite of being selfish.

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Idk, they asked for my DL and insurance card for my last shot. I guess no ones checking too closely.

I heard some ppl lied about their kids age and got the 12+ PFE shots when they were younger than that, and then didn’t want to get them two more shots on the record. Apparently there’s a way for your doc to enter your claimed vaccine info from elsewhere into their system and have it taken as legit. Not sure if that’s a special thing for kids vs adults or what. Presumably if you really wanted to be unvaxxed and get around some mandated, maybe you could have claimed to have gotten it in some other state and had your local doc enter the appropriate info accordingly.

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This also happened in New Zealand, not here.


Big Israeli study on relative risks based on time since recovery from covid or vaccine/booster. Shows how boosters help, and how those who already survived covid are a lot better protected.

Doesn’t make a great case for mandates, given the recovered groups are lower risk than all the vaccinated ones, even after longer periods of time, and similar to someone with a vaccine and booster very recently given (which would presumably decline based on the time passed since the booster). Israel is on to their 4th shots / 2nd boosters.


JNJ does nothing vs O. Time to look for a second shot of one of the mRNA ones if you’re concerned.


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If Omicron is so mild, I’m wondering if this might be my opportunity for an antibody booster. :smile:

I got my JNJ about five months ago so I think I’m out of the woods

People should receive Pfizer or Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines instead of Johnson & Johnson’s, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended Thursday night.

The new recommendation followed a vote by a committee of scientists and doctors that gave guidance to the CDC to say the agency should “prefer” the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) over Johnson & Johnson’s. The vote was based on rising concerns about a rare but dangerous blood-clotting disorder that can occur within three weeksof receiving Johnson & Johnson.


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I will get an mRNA vaccine when hell freezes over. I’ll go without first.

Another way:

In direct and specific response to the thread title here:

NEVER . . . if that means getting an mRNA vaccine. S’not gonna happen. Period.

The mRNA vaccines remain too new to be fully proven. It is also a caution that government bigwigs, many of whom likely own stock in Pfizer and especially in Moderna, are doing their best to trumpet rare side effects with J&J while ignoring those of their chosen vaccines.

Follow the money!

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One man’s voice ringing louder in the crowd!!

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PFE trial in under 5 year olds shows not much benefit, so clearly they just need a boost.


Yep… booster and a side of life-long, unknown side effects. Auto-immune disease, anyone?


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Campbell discussion on avoiding accidental injection into a blood vessel, thought to lead to more side effects for all the major vaccines (different problems based on vaccine type). Denmark has been doing aspiration prior to injection since early on based on this logic, and they have 1/3 the cases of myocarditis than Norway which hasn’t.