When will you allow yourself to be vaccinated?

in our family’s case we’ve had O. I was really sick for couple of days loss of appetite…etc but back to normal now.

So no boosters for us … I think

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Anyone here subscribe to the economist? “We’re the idiots, now”: a California doctor on his unvaccinated colleagues | The Economist

Try this.

Nothing special. Some feel good story about a CA doc seeing unvaxxed covid patients, many of whom die, and trying to convince their family to get the vaccine by various framing of its merits. He must not be an all bad guy because one story he says he regretted from long ago was when a rapist had been beat up by the victims family and was bragging about it while being taking to the hospital in the ambulance, he beat the guy up some more.


Article title is misleading in the sense that only 4 of the several dozen paragraphs have anything to do with vaxxed doctor on his unvaxxed colleagues. And it was about one single interaction from the summer of 2021.

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The report finally acknowledges what many have suspected for a long time - that surviving COVID-19 provides excellent natural immunity not only repeat infection but also to hospitalization and death for the delta variant of COVID-19.

The pattern of improved protection after natural infection makes sense. It always has. That’s how immunity against infections works. That is why vaccines work

Well, by golly…



Shaq also expressed that he feels “sympathetic towards people who have to make that kind of decision.” To this statement, Turner responded:

“I don’t. Not when you’re putting other people at risk.”

Hopefully this is the next sacred myth that we’re finally allowed to disagree with and move away from…


Ok, so with hundreds of millions of doses, there’s going to be some adverse reactions. This one case is no basis for "I told you so"s.

Adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine have taken center stage in the argument against vaccine mandates. Some have said that such effects aren’t getting enough attention amid the push to increase vaccinations. Others, however, argue that the risk of dying from COVID-19 far exceeds the risk of having a serious complication from the vaccine.

This (bolded) is what I take issue with. It simply is not true. It is very true, if not understated, for certain groups of people, like over the age of 65 and with multiple comorbidities. But for other groups of people, the vaccine takes the risk of death from highly unlikely to very highly unlikely - which while it may be multiple factors better, both risks are still generally within the margin of error for each other. In practical terms, it’s not really making much, if any, difference to a individual’s risk profile. I really dont care if something makes me 3x safer, when I was pretty damn safe to begin with.

Contrary to what it’s made out to be, this is one of if not the biggest sources of objections over mandates, not so-called “misinformation”. It’s simply not reasonable to try to push this vaccine onto a low-risk person by using high-risk stats to justify it as essential. It’s those doing the pushing who “dont get it”, not those who are objecting.


This is the case that was posted here by @xerty back in March 2021

While it is no basis for “I told you sos,” it is a basis for not trusting VAERS. I checked randomly for a month after that news story and I could never find a COVID19 vaccine recipient 65+ year old female that died in Kansas in March. Now, 11 months later, there is ONE listing in VAERS fitting those parameters and the details of that case do NOT match the details of Jeanie Evans’s case as reported here or as reported back when it happened. This death where it is now CONFIRMED that the person died solely because of a reaction from the vaccine is NOT in the HHS’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. That’s the real scandal here.



PFE pulls their EUA request for kids under 5, citing “not enough data”.

I think they mean 2 doses don’t work well, so they’re trying 3 and waiting to see how that goes. Doesn’t look like it will happen soon.

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Sure why not. At fifty bucks a shot they make more money that way. And they’re already making a fortune.


What they’re saying is that the vaccine doesnt necessarily prevent infection, as we have come to know. And the under 5 crowd already experience negligible symptoms in general, so it’s really hard to demonstrate a positive effect from the vaccine. No matter how “effective” it may be in technical/percentage terms, the reduction in risk is still little more than a rounding error to the initial risk.

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No, for kids they didn’t do real vaccine efficacy studies where they had control groups and saw who got sick or who didn’t and from that if / how much difference it made . They just did that for safety / side effects, but for the “effectiveness” they just looked at the antibody levels and saw whether they were as high as in younger adults, adjusted for how kids normally work, and if they had about the same amount of antibody response, they declared it good enough.

I seem to remember half of the age group 0-4 didn’t have a sufficient antibody response to the 3 μg doses they’re using on younger kids.


If the virus doesn’t “work” that well on the kids, then the antivirus wouldn’t work that well either. Right? :smile:


For those following the news


CDC on heart risks from vaccines, especially for young men or teens. Relative risk is ~100x normal following an mRNA vaccine per VAERS data, which is no doubt a huge underreporting since that’s optional and extra work for doctors to do, and I’ve heard they were sometimes discouraged from doing so as well.

| ערוץ 7 (general article)

supplement (tables with risks and figures)


Blasphemy! It’s no big deal, the worst thing you might get is a sore arm for a day! And this must be true, because that is what I read in the news!

Side note - forget VAERS, mild cases of myocarditis in young people could easily go entirely undiagnosed. Few young people have any reason to undergo the testing necessary to reach a good diagnosis, and they dismiss feeling “off” for a few weeks as simply feeling off.

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There was an instance in my little corner of the world recently which actually made the news . . . only the local news, of course. Mainstream media would never report such as this.

Anyway, a young (mid twenties) fellow in good health decided for some reason to obtain a vaccination. I cannot recall what the reason was. He got his shot and shortly thereafter began feeling ill. Went to hospital, was misdiagnosed, returned home and spent several days trying their erroneous and ineffective, doctor knows best, remedy until his illness just became unbearable. He died (it later was realized) of myocarditis just before a return to hospital was able by his dad to be attempted.

The young man perished for no reason other than drawing the rare short straw on the vaccine. He was in prime of life, in GOOD health, then (unintentionally obviously but voluntarily) committed suicide.

Such a sad story. How many other like outcomes is the mainstream media covering up?


This is the first I am seeing of this. Seems informative.

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Speaking of historic vaccine deaths that didn’t get much play, here are two dead teens, died in their sleep a few days after PFE from heart issues.


We report the autopsy results including microscopic myocardial findings of two teenage boys who died within the first week after receiving the second Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 dose. The microscopic findings are not the alterations seen with typical myocarditis. This suggest a role for cytokine storm which may occur with an excessive inflammatory response


probably intravenous in error vs IM. Q is would they or the one shinobi mentioned would have had the same response if they got CCP19 virus

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