The 2022 election politics

Speaking of AOC:

In the recent NY Assembly primary elections, she came out for and supported nine different candidates.

Seven of those nine candidates LOST their primary election bids!

To help you remember this, I offer the following:

ETA and off topic:

On an historical note, am unable to resist mention that the very same Jeri Ryan above pictured is arguably responsible for Barack Obama having become POTUS.

It’s a small world. :wink:

Congress lost 5% of approval rating. They’ve only got 7% left!

I am not aware of anyone doing this at the federal level. Do you have examples of it happening? It doesn’t even seem to be happening much at the state level except for places where it has strong support (not many places). Most of the laws going into effect that the media is up in arms about are trigger laws that were passed a while ago.

What, specifically, are Republican lawmakers doing right now that is riling up the left after Dobbs besides praising Dobbs itself as a good SCOTUS opinion?

I guess, what I am saying is, there was always going to be a democrat get-out-the-vote effort vilifying republicans if Roe were ever overturned. And there is always an election right around the corner. So how much of what we’re seeing (improvement in polling for democrats) is automatically baked into the cake from Roe being overturned and how much is the Republican response? I don’t think much of it is from the response.

I take your point. But you are looking at the situation rationally.

There are voices out there calling for onerous measures; nothing in Congress of which I’m aware. Such calls are coming from hard liners in the various individual states. And of course the media jumps all over any such instance, trumpeting it wildly as a scare tactic. That said:

Measures in too many states, in my view, make no critical exception for rape or incest. That alone is unconscionable.

Facing facts:

90% or more of abortions are performed as a means of birth control. This is despicable and well deserving of wrath at the state level. But targeting of the remaining minority, 10% or less, of abortions needs to be done with great care and thought. In too many instances, as you go state by state, this is not happening.

I agree with you that republican lawmakers in 8 states leaving out rape and incest exceptions in the trigger laws basically handed democrats a hammer to hit republicans over the head with. That was a mistake, politically. BUT, it isn’t a mistake morally.

And I don’t think it was as big of a mistake as you think it may be (as far as the effect it has). The main reason I believe this is because the media will actually lie about republican led efforts to restrict abortions. They have lied about the text of what is in these laws and bills. For example: They say there are 6 week cutoffs when laws don’t use weeks (i.e. heartbill laws). Another example: Every single abortion trigger law has an exception for the life of the mother, yet I can’t count how many times over the past couple weeks I read/heard people claim (because they heard it “reported”) that women will die because of abortion restrictions in states like texas that don’t allow abortions to save the life of the mother.

So your belief that including rape/incest exceptions would have kept some people from getting mad about the bans doesn’t actually work because leftists in the media (redundant) will say whatever they feel like to demonize laws protecting the unborn (true or not) to get those people mad regardless.

But even if the media wasn’t in the tank and lying, the women that are going to vote democrat now because they are worried their daughters won’t have the same options they did aren’t deciding that because of missing rape/incest exceptions. No one imagines their daughter getting impregnated from rape. They imagine them getting impregnated because of stupid decisions in their teens and 20s. Putting in a rape exception wouldn’t have kept them from voting blue.


A group of sign-waving recall supporters, many of them families of murder victims critical of Gascon’s policies, greeted a truck that delivered the petitions to the Los Angeles County Registrar’s Office in Norwalk. Supporters need 566,857 signatures

They will need to overcome the hostile LA registrar of voters office. If they are able to get the recall on the November ballot, it could have strong implications for the mayor race. The conservative Caruso has enough money to force the leftist Bass to take a side. So she either supports the highly unpopular Gascon or pisses off her far left supporters.
Edit. The recall campaign is going to need money to hire lawyers to oversee the corrupt Registrar of Voters check of the signatures. You can donate at

The tone deaf hypocrite is at it again. I wonder if they have a French Laundry restaurant in Montana?

It was information that the governor’s office appeared loath to disclose. Although the office said Friday the governor had left California to spend time with family, it did not until Tuesday answer questions about where he was or when specifically he would return, a noticeable difference from communication surrounding other recent out-of-state trips.

Montana is also one of the states Newsom’s office has called out for restricting abortion access. His office said in a June 24 press release that Montana will likely ban the procedure following the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, though local outlets say abortion is likely to remain legal there for the foreseeable future.

  • Anthony York, Newsom’s senior advisor for communications, told me: “We don’t legislate where people vacation. Never have. The travel ban applies to expending state funds. The Governor’s travel is not being paid for by the state.”
  • Asked if the state is paying for Newsom’s security while he is in Montana, York said: “We don’t comment or provide details on the governor’s security.”

Speaking of corrupt registers, did you see the NC Democrats disenfranchised their Green Party? They had like 150% of the signatures needed, and got the officials to agree on maybe 125% of those, a few 1000 more than necessary. But then the Democrats high end law firm found a few hundred irregularities and that was clearly enough for the election commission to vote 3-2 along Democratic lines to forbid the Green Party from running. Apparently “a few isolated instances” of possible vote related fraud were, unlike 2020, suddenly so important for election integrity they had to ban their opposition to Protect Democracy.

They’ve also been funding the far right Republicans in primaries on grounds that if they had to run against anyone half way reasonable, they might well lose on their recent track record of incompetence.

Works so well when they told the media to focus on Trump in 2016 since he would be easy to beat…

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Havent we practically started wars with other nations because that is how they ran their “free” elections?

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North Carolina seems to be Ground Zero for a corrupt judiciary and bureaucracy trying to fix elections. It is not a coincidence that the Supreme Court granted CERT to a case where the North Carolina Supreme Court is trying to impose their gerrymander. Predictably the left is hysterical.

Edit. The election of a democrat governor in North Carolina has been disastrous. I do not know but most likely he appointed the election commission. The 2022 governor and Secretary of State elections are probably going to determine the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

I have to say that I have been pleasantly surprised by the replacements choices of Frisco Mayor London Breed. Maybe as the saying goes, when the politicians feel the heat they see the light. Breed chose the spokeswoman for the recall campaign.

By the way the corrupt California election system was in full force for the recall election. The initial 20 percentage point lead for the recall evaporated to 10 points once the harvested ballots came in.

The Democrats are also strategically voting in primaries. that is how that scumbag Secstate in Georgia Raffensperger got over 50% in the primary. It will be interesting to see if they can get Liz Cheney and Murk on the November ballot. The rinos of course all support open primary elections.

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That was a mistake, politically. BUT, it isn’t a mistake morally.

What is your opinion on the 10 year old that was denied an abortion in Ohio and had to travel to a different state?

Should a 10 year old be compelled to have a baby, in your view?

A 10 year old cannot legally get pregnant. Maybe a state’s specific laws leave a slight window where it’s technically possible, but in general terms it is not - not too many 10 year olds are willingly getting knocked up by their 10 year old classmate. Whether she’s “willing” or not, there’s almost always someone older involved.

So in the case of a pregnant 10 year old, the issue isnt her having the right to an abortion, it’s about providing restitution to the victim of a crime. That is an argument that would be much easier to sell, and the debate then becomes between financial compensation for the damage done, or physically undoing the damage caused by the crime. Many pro lifers would still object to the abortion, but they’d then have to argue for the alternative of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars of restitution payments - and someone will have to fund those payments, or it leaves abortion as the only viable option no matter how much you object to it morally.

But in reality, no one cares about that pregnant 10 year old, they just want to use that pregnant 10 year old as leverage to secure every woman’s right to chose an abortion. Because that adult who doesnt want to give up all the fun but also doesnt want to accept responsibility for the consequences of having chosen to have that fun, deserves the same rights and accomodation as the innocent 10 year old rape victim… That is where the largest divide and opposition rests.

But in reality, no one cares about that pregnant 10 year old, they just want to use that pregnant 10 year old as leverage to secure every woman’s right to chose an abortion.

That is a sick view of things – people definitely genuinely care and are upset at the idea of 10 and 12 year olds being impregnated through rape/incest. And the recent practical example in the news illustrates that it is a real and genuine problem that needs to be addressed with abortion access.

Then maybe they should try addressing that problem, rather than going as wide as possible to roll all the "whoops, didn’t want that to happen!"s in with the handful of pregnant 10 year old rape victims. Which is exactly what my entire post was about, after all. You can dismiss it as a sick view all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that they don’t want a solution for just the pregnant 10 year olds because then they’d lose the only leverage on which to piggyback the right for everyone else too.


The 10 year old rape victim is a debunked Internet legend. It never happened. The story has been spread by an Indiana abortionist and of course picked up by the left-wing media, here’s a thorough analysis of the story.


Polls polls polls

Elections mostly, but also guns, abortion, Ukraine, Jan 6th, etc.

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we always knew this but it’s interesting to see the numbers


Trump goes off big time in AK speech:

He really let the “murky one” have it. What a phony!! She will win anyway because so many AK Democrats support her. :frowning_face: